Page 8 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Fine Chinese Works of Art
P. 8


          A RARE AND IMPORTANT COPPER-INLAID                  戰國   青銅錯紅銅羽紋鋪首活環耳扁壺
          WARRING STATES PERIOD (475-221 BC)                  Vivian Bulkeley-Johnson 上尉伉儷(1891-1968)舊藏,牛津郡
          The vessel is raised on a spreading rectangular pedestal foot and cast   Mount Trust中國藝術珍藏(1968年 於Vivian Bulkeley-Johnson
          in relief with panels of tight abstract curl patterns arranged in five   上尉逝世後成立),於1969年8月至1975年5月間借展予維多利亞
          registers and bordered by bands of copper inlay, the narrow sides   與亞伯特博物館
          similarly decorated and applied with taotie masks suspending ring   趙氏山海樓舊藏,香港與三藩市,自1980年代起
          handles, all below a dogtooth band on the waisted neck and a copper   《Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, including a Selection
          band on the flared mouth, covered with light green encrustations.  from the Bella and P. P. Chiu Collection of Ancient Bronzes》,
          13º in. (33.5 cm.) high                             倫敦蘇富比,2000年6月7日,拍品14號
          HK$1,800,000-2,800,000          US$240,000-360,000
                                                              S. Feinberg伉儷舊藏,波士頓,2000年11月自倫敦埃斯肯納齊購
          P R O V E NAN C E :                                 重要亞洲私人舊藏,2019年自倫敦埃斯肯納齊購入
          Collection of Captain and Mrs Vivian Bulkeley-Johnson,
          Oxfordshire (Captain Vivian Bulkeley-Johnson, 1891-1968)
          The Mount Trust collection of Chinese Art (established in 1968   展覽:
          on the death of Captain Vivian Bulkeley-Johnson), on loan to the   維多利亞與亞伯特博物館,倫敦,《The Mount Trust Collection
          Victoria and Albert Museum, London, August 1969 - May 1975  of Chinese Art》,1970年1月20日-3月
          The Bella and P. P. Chiu Collection, Hong Kong and San Francisco,   之後至愛丁堡、曼徹斯特、伯明翰、謝菲爾德展覽
          since the 1980s
          Sold at Sotheby’s London, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art,   出版:
          including a Selection from the Bella and P. P. Chiu Collection of Ancient   William Watson,《Ancient Chinese Bronzes》,倫敦,1962年,
          Bronzes, 7 June 2000, lot 14                        頁66,圖版67b號
          Mr and Mrs S. Feinberg, Boston, November 2000, acquired with   John Ayers,《The Mount Trust Collection of Chinese Art》,
          Eskenazi Ltd., London, 2000, thence by descent within the family  維多利亞與亞伯特博物館,倫敦,1970年,圖版6號(圖一)
          Important Asian private collection, acquired from Eskenazi Ltd.,
          London, 2019                                        Jessica Rawson,《趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器》,香港,

          E X H I B I T ED :                                  埃斯肯納齊,《Room for Study:Fifty Scholar’ Objects》,
          Victoria & Albert Museum, London, The Mount Trust Collection of   倫敦,2019年10月31日-11月29日,圖版13號
          Chinese Art, 20 January 1970 - March 1970
          And thereafter onto Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, and
          L I T E R AT U R E :
          William Watson, Ancient Chinese Bronzes , London, 1962, p.66,
          pl. 67b
          John Ayers, The Mount Trust Collection of Chinese Art, Victoria and
          Albert Museum, London, 1970, no.6 (fig. 1)
          Jessica Rawson,The Bella and P. P. Chiu Collection of Ancient Chinese
          Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1998, no.36 (fig. 2)
          Eskenazi Ltd., Room for Study: Fifty Scholar’s Objects, London,
          31 October - 29 November 2019, no.13

                                                                       fig. 1   圖一             fig. 2   圖二

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