Page 31 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 31
Xing ware was the best quality white-glazed ceramic of the Tang 邢窯是唐代盛極一時的白瓷名窯,而邢窯中帶有「大盈」、「盈」
dynasty (618-907 AD), particularly those inscribed with ying, da 以及「翰林」字款的製品更是進貢朝廷的宮廷內用瓷器。成書於約
ying, and han lin marks as these were tribute wares to the court. 開元二十六年的《大唐六典》卷三記載:「河北道貢……恆州春
Lu Minghua in his article ‘Xingyao ying zi ji dingyao yang ding 羅孔雀等羅、定州兩窠絲綾、懷州牛膝、洺博魏等州平紬、邢州
kao’, The Shanghai Museum Journal No. 4, 1987, p. 259, suggests 瓷器」。由此可知,早在開元、天寶年間,邢州就曾向朝廷進貢瓷
that the character ying refers to the Bai bao da ying ku (the Imperial 器。據上海博物館陸明華考證,邢窯「盈」字款瓷器與百寶大盈庫
Repository of a Hundred Treasures). This repository is believed 有關。(見陸明華,「邢窯“盈”字及定窯“易定”考」,《上海
to have been established in the Kaiyuan period (713-741 AD) of 博物館集刊第四期》,1987年,259頁)《舊唐書.食貨志》有載:
the Tang dynasty, and was a treasury for the personal use of the 「開元中……楊崇禮為太府卿,清嚴善勾剝,分寸錙銖,躬親不
emperor (mentioned in the Jiu Tangshu and the Xin Tangshu - the 厭……,又于鉷進計,奮身自為戶口邑役使,徵剝財富,每歲進錢
Old History of the Tang dynasty and the New History of the 百億,寶貨稱是,云非正額租傭,使入百寶大盈庫,以供人主宴私
Tang dynasty, respectively). It is therefore reasonable to surmise 賞賜之用」。可見百寶大盈庫於開元年間設立,是用於儲藏皇帝個
that Xing wares were designated for the Bai bao da ying ku, were 人財貨的內庫。而在素胎上刻有「大盈」、「盈」字款的瓷器就是
inscribed with ying and da ying marks. 為百寶大盈庫定燒,供天子宴饗、賞賜之用的內用瓷器。
A few ying-marked Xing wares were found in archaeological 近年來,在西安市的考古工作中曾發現刻少量「盈」字款的瓷器,
excavations in Xi’an, including a ewer with a 13th year of Dazhong 例如1992年在青龍寺遺址發現的一件帶大中十三年(859年)墨書
(859 AD) date inscribed in ink found in the Qinglong Temple, 紀年的「盈」字款執壺殘件,見北京2008年出版《中國出土瓷器全
illustrated in Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji (Complete Collection of 集》,卷15,26頁出土; 以及2002 年在唐長安城新昌坊發現的五件
Ceramic Art Unearthed in China), Beijing, 2008, vol. 15, p. 26, 「盈」字款執壺以及五件「盈」字款花口盤,發表於文物2003年第
and five covered ewers with five accompanied dishes found in the 12期,81-88頁。
site of Xingchangfang of Tang Chang’an (Xi’an), published in
Wenwu (Cultural Relics), 2003, no. 12, pp. 81-88. 相較之下,刻寫「大盈」字款的邢窯瓷器更為珍罕。目前發表的例
Xing wares with da ying marks are extremely rare. Only some 台市舊城區發現的十餘片,見權奎山,「唐五代時期定窯初探」,
shards inscribed with this mark have been published, including one 《故宮博物院院刊》,2008年第四期,52頁,圖十四。根據底足
found in the construction site of the Fenghao Road in Xi’an and 和殘餘部份分析,上述十幾件「大盈」款殘片的器形都是和本件拍
further ten were found in the old city of Xingtai, Hebei province, 品類似的餅足盌。有學者指出,這些器物的時代應早於「盈」字款
illustrated in Quan Kuishan, ‘Tang wudai shiqi dingyao chutan’, 器物,「盈」字款是由「大盈」字款簡化而來的,見前揭書,52
Palace Museum Journal, 2008, no. 4, p. 52, fig. 14. From the base 頁。
and remnant piece it appears that they are of the same shape as
the present bowl. It has been mentioned that this form with a flat
base predates pieces with ying mark which is abbreviated from the
characters, da ying (see ibid. p. 52).
(two views 兩面)