Page 33 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 33
Five Dynasties (907-960) is considered as one of the most 五代(907-960)是中國藝術史上最重要的轉型期,就繪畫而論,
important transitional periods in Chinese art history. In order 其主題從晉唐注重歷史故事、帝王、畜獸的傳統轉入了山水和花鳥
to avoid political chaos, many literati artists became hermits and 的新境界。這一追尋自然主義的時代風尚也在很大程度上改變了瓷
lived their reclusive lives in the mountains where they sought 器的面貌。以本件「官」字款五尖瓣口盤為代表的一批花口器在南
inspiration from nature. The genre of landscape painting, which 北方主要窯口中流行,成為了最具時代特徵的器形。定窯中的花口
was so esteemed in later periods was perfected during that 器形以四瓣花口盤、五瓣葵口盤等淺刻花口的產品為大宗。如本件
period. The quest for nature also affected ceramic art in the Five 拍品這樣忠實表現花形的深刻五尖瓣口盤則極為罕見。目前僅在西
Dynasties. Various flower-shaped forms were created by both 安市北郊火燒壁村窖藏中出土的一批「官」字款定窯器中發現有近
Northern and Southern kilns. In the Ding kilns, quatrefoil dishes 似例,其中兩件與本拍品極其相似的定窯「官」字款五尖瓣口盤發
and mallow-shaped dishes were widely produced, and yet the 表於北京2008年出版《中國出土瓷器全集》,卷15,94及97頁;
pentafoil dish with its sides modelled as naturalistic flower petals 另可比同一窖藏中發現的兩件定窯「官」字款三尖瓣口盤,載於前
such as the present lot is extremely rare. Two very similar guan- 揭書95及96頁。
marked pentafoil dishes found in the hoard attributed to the late
Tang Dynasty at Huoshaobi village, Xi’an city are illustrated in 晚唐五代,定窯取代邢窯成為了首屈一指的白瓷窯口,相應而來的
Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji (Complete Collection of Ceramic Art 是官方對定窯白瓷的青睞。本件「官」字款五尖瓣口盤製作規範,
Unearthed in China), Beijing, 2008, vol. 15, pp. 94 and 97. Also 燒造精良,顯然是一件官瓷。據陶瓷史學者權奎山研究,「官」
compare two guan-marked tretafoil dishes found in the same 字為當日官府機構光祿寺下屬的太官署的簡稱,「官」字款瓷器為
hoard, illustrated in ibid, pp. 95 and 96. 太官署的定燒瓷,見權奎山「唐五代時期定窯初探」,《故宮博物
During the late Tang to Five Dynasties period, Ding replaced 《曲陽縣志》中記載後周顯德四年的一通碑記上有「使押衙銀青
Xing wares to become the best quality white-glazed ceramics. 光祿大夫檢校太子賓客殿中使御史充龍泉鎮使鈐轄瓷窯商稅務使馮
It was during this period that, Ding wares started to receive 翱」之內容,這位從三品高官充任的瓷窯商稅務使一職當兼有為官
patronage from the court. According to the ceramic scholar Quan 方督陶之使命,見陸明華,「邢窯“盈”字及定窯“易定”考」,
Kuishan, the character guan refers to the Taiguanshu under the 《上海博物館集刊第四期》,1987年,261頁。在這一背景下定窯
Guanglusi, which was the Imperial Household responsible for 生產出像本件五尖瓣口盤這樣的精品就不足為奇了。
dietary and beverage supply at court, see Quan Kuishan, ‘Tang
wudai shiqi dingyao chutan’, Palace Museum Journal, 2008, no.
4, p. 50. As such it is possible that the guan-marked Ding wares
were commissioned by the Taiguanshu and used by the ruling