Page 38 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 38
3110 CONTINUED 瓶盤口,竹節狀頸,溜肩,上腹圓鼓,下腹斜收,圈足外侈。白
The present vase is a very rare example of the early Ding wares
produced in Quyang county. Compare the present lot to a similar 本盤口瓶為定窯早期製品。同類定窯盤口瓶十分罕見,可參照倫敦
Ding vase, but with a less tapered body, exhibited and illustrated 埃斯肯納齊,2015年展覽,《Principal Wares of the Song Period
in Principal Wares of the Song Period from a Private Collection, from a Private Collection》,圖錄編號2。另可比較一件五代白瓷注
Eskenazi Ltd., London, 2015, Catalogue, no. 2. Compare also a 壺,器形與本品相近,惟器身一側有流,頸部竹節紋亦不甚清晰,
white-glazed vase of similar form but with a spout, illustrated in 發表於北京2008年出版《中國出土瓷器全集》,卷3,75頁。值得
Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji (Complete Collection of Ceramic Art 注意的是,竹節紋為定窯早期重要的裝飾母題。1969年河北省定州
Unearthed in China), Beijing, 2008, vol. 3: Hebei, p. 75. 市北宋至道元年 (995年) 淨眾院塔基地宮出土的定窯刻花龍首有流
It is interesting to note that bamboo was a popular decorative 出於淨眾院塔基地宮的一件筒形盒亦飾有竹節紋,見前揭書108頁.
element in early Ding wares. A highly important Ding kundika
vase found in the Jingzhongyuan monastry, Dingzhou city, has
a bamboo-shaped neck similar to the neck of the present vase,
illustrated ibid, p. 110. A circular box and cover carved with
grooves to the exterior in imitation of bamboo was also found in
the Jingzhongyuan monastry, illustrated ibid, p. 108.