Page 42 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 42

3111 CONTINUED                                                        洗十二瓣花口,淺腹,平底。通體內外施白釉,釉面呈淡牙色,白
    During the Song dynasty vessels made in chrysanthemum
    form became popular in a number of media, including silver,           有宋一代,材質各異的菊瓣器皿甚為盛行,從金屬、漆至陶瓷俱可
    lacquer, and fine ceramics. A small number of Song dynasty            見其蹤影。清宮舊藏中為數不多的宋代菊瓣盤中,有一件南宋修內
    chrysanthemum-form dishes are preserved, such as the Southern         司官窯盤,其雖俱圈足並以支釘燒成,但在造型及比例上與此例幾
    Song Guan dish from the Xiunesi kiln in the collection of             乎如出一轍,罕見地同作十二瓣,現藏台北故宮博物院,著錄於
    National Palace Museum, Taipei. Although this cited example is        《宋官窯特展》圖版93 號。
    potted with a short ring foot and fired on spurs, it shares the same
    number of lobes and is formed in a very similar proportion to the
    current dish, see Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Sun Dynasty
    Kuan Ware, Taipei, 1989, no. 93

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