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the Southern Song strata at the Laohudong kiln site, and apply to         本)。曹昭1388年著成《格古要論》,書中對官窯瓷器亦持相
    the current washer.                                                       同的看法:「宋修內司燒者,土脈細潤,色青帶粉紅,濃淡不
    Petal-lobed washers, such as the current example, seem to have            德爵士譯註本《Chinese Connoisseurship: The Ko Ku Yao
    been made in several versions at the Guan kilns during the                Lun, The Essential Criteria of Antiquities》,書內附中文摹
    Southern Song and the Yuan dynasties – some having six lobes,             本 (倫敦:1971)。上述特徵 (包括北宋汝瓷的傳承),既見諸於
    some eight lobes, some, like the current vessel, ten lobes, and some      老虎洞窯址南宋地層出土的陶瓷,亦適用於是次拍賣的官窯
    twelve lobes. All appear to have completely glazed feet and have          洗。
    been fired on spurs. A number of washers of this type have been
    excavated at the Laohudong Xiuneisi kiln and an eight-lobed               南宋和元代官窯似乎曾燒造多款近似本拍品的棱口洗,它們
    example was published in Hangzhou Laohudong yaozhi ciqi jingxuan,         或開六棱或八棱,或像本拍品呈十棱,多者甚至有十二棱。這
    Beijing, 2002, no. 123. Two ten-lobed Guan ware washers in the            類作品的器底均施滿釉,並用支釘燒造。老虎洞修內司窯曾
    collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing have been published              出土數件近似例,其中一例為八棱洗,圖見《杭州老虎洞窯址
    (illustrated Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (II), The Complete             瓷器精選》編號123 (北京:2002)。北京故宮博物院藏兩例十
    Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum – 33, Hong Kong,             棱官窯洗,發表於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系33:兩宋瓷
    1996, p. 22, no. 17 (fig. 1) and p. 25, no. 20 (fig. 2)). A further       器 (下)》頁22編號17 (圖一) 及頁25編號20 (圖二) (香港:
    ten-lobed Guan washer formerly in the collection of Sir Alan and          1 9 9 6 )。巴 婁爵士 伉儷 亦 珍 藏 一 例 十棱 官 窯 洗,現已納 入牛
    Lady Barlow, and now in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, was                 津大學艾希莫林博物館,它曾於1952年倫敦【Ju and Kuan
    included in the exhibition Ju and Kuan Wares, held in London in           Wa r e s】展覽中亮相,圖 見《 東 方 陶瓷學 會 會 刊》19 51-19 52
    1952, illustrated in Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 1951-  年、1952-1953年27號刊圖版4編號72 (倫敦:1954)。另有一例
    1952, 1952-1953, vol. 27, London, 1954, pl. 4, no. 72. A further ten-     十棱官窯洗為米禮肯伉儷舊藏,現為克里夫蘭美術館珍藏。
    lobed Guan washer, formerly in the collection of Severance and            這批十棱官窯洗俱用五根支釘窯燒而成,故足底釉面有五個
    Greta Millikin, is now in the collection of the Cleveland Museum          相 應 的支 釘 痕。台灣 國 立 故 宮 博 物 院 亦 珍 藏 一 例 十棱 官 窯
    of Art. These ten-lobed washers were all fired on five spurs,             洗,其底部有六個支釘痕,與本拍品如出一轍,圖見《故宮藏
    which have left corresponding marks on their glazed bases. The            瓷:南宋官窯 (一)》下冊編號41 (香港:1962)。北京故宮珍藏
    National Palace Museum, Taiwan, also has in its collection a ten-         一例近似六棱洗,圖見前述著作《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大
    lobed Guan ware washer, which, like the current example, has six          系33:兩宋瓷器 (下)》頁24編號19。此外,大維德爵士曾珍藏
    spur marks on its base (illustrated Kuan Ware of the Southern Sung        三件八棱官窯洗,其登錄號為PDF 30、A53及A54。其中一例
    Dynasty, Book I (part 2), Hong Kong, 1962, no. 41). A six-lobed           (PDF A53) 圖見《Song Ceramics – Objects of Admiration》
    washer of this type is in the collection of the Palace Museum,            頁96-7 (倫敦:2003)。此洗與PDF A54器底均有六個支釘痕,
    Beijing (illustrated Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (II),The Complete      而較小的一例 (PDF 30) 則有五個支釘痕,圖見《Illustrated
    Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum – 33, op. cit. p. 24, no.    Catalogue of Ru, Guan, Jun, Guangdong and Yixing Wares
    19). Three more eight-lobed Guan washers are in the collection            in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art》(修訂本)
    of Sir Percival David – accession numbers PDF 30, A53 and A54.            頁29及頁60 (倫敦:1999)。傳世品中尚有二例八棱官窯洗,兩
    One of these, accession number PDF A53, is illustrated in Song            者器底均有六個支釘痕,圖見前述著作《故宮藏瓷:南宋官
    Ceramics – Objects of Admiration, London, 2003, pp. 96-7. This            窯(一)》下冊編號39及40。巴婁爵士亦珍藏一例器型較小的十
    washer, along with PDF A54, has 6 spur marks on the base, while           二棱瓷洗,現外借予牛津大學艾希莫林博物館展出。此洗是
    the smaller vessel, PDF 30, was fired on five spurs and is illustrated    用五根支釘支燒而成。
    in Illustrated Catalogue of Ru, guan, Jun, Guangdong and Yixing Wares
    in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, Revised Edition,         是 次 拍 賣的 官 窯 洗 佳 妙 無比,其 釉 色 格 外出眾,且 紋 片 縱
    London, 1999, p. 29, and p. 60. Two eight-lobed Guan washers,             橫 交 織。它 源自賈納爵士 伉儷 舊 藏,曾亮相於東 方 陶瓷學 會
    both with six spur marks on the base, are illustrated in Kuan Ware        1952年舉辦的【Ju and Kuan Wares】展覽,圖見前述著作
    of the Southern Sung Dynasty, Book I (part 2), op. cit., nos. 39 and 40.  《東方陶瓷學會會刊》1951-1952年、1952-1953年27號刊編
    Another smaller washer, with twelve-lobes, from the collection of         號67 (倫敦)。早於1954年,威尼斯為慶祝馬可.波羅七百年誕
    Sir Alan Barlow, is currently on loan to the Ashmolean Museum,            辰,曾舉行著名的【Mostra d’arte Cinese】展覽,本拍品也是
    Oxford. This washer was fired on five spurs.                              展品之一,圖見展覽圖錄頁131編號460 (圖三)。

    The current beautiful Guan ware washer has a particularly
    successful glaze and well defined crackle. It was formerly in the
    collection of Sir Harry and Lady Garner, and was included in
    the 1952 exhibition Ju and Kuan Wares, organised by the Oriental
    Ceramic, see Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 1951-1952,
    1952-1953, vol. 27, London, op. cit., no. 67. This washer was also
    included in the famous 1954 Venetian exhibition Mostra d’arte
    Cinese, held to celebrate the hepta-centenary of the birth of Marco
    Polo, and is illustrated in the exhibition catalogue, p. 131, no. 460.
    (fig. 1)

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