Page 74 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 74
Dr. Mortimer D. Sackler KBE possessed a lifelong dedication to 賽穆旼 (Mortimer D. Sackler) 醫生、爵士,畢生以助人為樂,惠澤
helping others. Whether in his pharmaceutical research or the 製藥研究領域,造褔各地機構學府,致力築構更具活力的世界,啟
gifts he made to institutions across the globe, Dr. Sackler strove to 迪後人。
create a more vibrant and inspired world.
Born in 1916 to immigrant parents, Mortimer Sackler studied 偕同兄弟亞瑟 (Arthur) 及雷蒙 (Raymond) 在紐約創辦克里德莫爾心
medicine in the United States and Britain before joining his 理學研究中心 (Creedmoor Institute for Psychologic Studies),遂成
brothers, Arthur and Raymond, in co-founding New York’s 精神病理研究先驅,專為精神健康問題鑽研療法。
Creedmoor Institute for Psychobiologic Studies, where the
Sacklers were pioneers in psychiatric research, pursuing treatments 1952年,賽氏及雷蒙收購了當時在曼哈頓規模尚小的普渡菲特列公
for mental health issues. 司 (Purdue Frederick Company)。往後數年,賽氏兄弟把業務發展
成譽滿全球的普渡藥業 (Purdue Pharma) ,成為研究及發展方面的
In 1952, Mortimer and Raymond Sackler acquired the small 翹楚,推崇革新文化,令業界渙然一新。
Manhattan firm Purdue Frederick Company. In the years to come,
the Sacklers grew Purdue Pharma into a world leader in research 倫敦《每日電訊報》曾經以「與眾不同的贊助人」形容賽氏,皆因
and development, and fostered a culture of innovation that 「其策動的計劃儘管紛繁如鯽,他都每必全情投入。」賽氏與妻子
transformed the wider industry. 杜麗莎.賽克勒 (Theresa Sackler) 女爵士及兄弟行善無間,為現代
Mortimer Sackler was “unusual as a patron,” noted London’s 涵蓋倫敦國家美術館 (National Gallery of Art)、紐約大都會博物館
Daily Telegraph, “because of the genuine interest he took in each (Metropolitan Museum of Art)、紐約古根漢美術館 (Guggenheim
of the astonishing number of projects he promoted.” Together Museum)、蛇形畫廊 (Serpentine Gallery)、泰特美術館 (Tate)、牛
with his wife, Dame Theresa Sackler, and in collaboration with 津及劍橋大學,以及多所同名醫學研究中心,遍及倫敦、格拉斯
his brothers, Dr. Sackler came to make an indelible mark on the 哥、布萊頓、愛丁堡、特拉維夫、紐約及波士頓。身為一位大慈善
landscape of modern philanthropy. Recipients of the collector’s 家,賽氏視野遼闊、學問淵博,從其涉足領域可見一斑:遠至西敏
financial support and leadership included London’s National 寺內亨利七世教堂 (Henry VII Chapel) 的修復,近及當代建築師約
Gallery of Art; the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art; the 翰.包笙 (John Pawson) 為邱園(Kew Gardens)設計的石橋,反映賽
Guggenheim Museum, New York; the Serpentine Gallery; Tate; 氏古今同攬,為點亮人文光譜,任重而道遠。
Oxford and Cambridge Universities; and eponymous medical
research centers in cities such as London, Glasgow, Brighton, 賽氏一生屢得殊榮,先後於1997及1999年獲頒發法國榮譽軍團勳章
Edinburgh, Tel Aviv, New York, and Boston. His philanthropic 軍官勳位 (Officer of the Legion of Honour) 及大英帝國最優秀勳章
vision reflected a polymathic mind: from the restoration of 爵級司令勳位 (Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent
the Henry VII Chapel at Westminster Abbey to contemporary Order of the British Empire)。時至今日,賽氏尊名家喻户曉,已成
architect John Pawson’s bridge at Kew Gardens, Dr. Sackler was 慈善偉業及公益服務的代名詞。賽氏家族創下不朽傳奇,其灼灼光
committed to illuminating both the past and the present. 華,將隨繼往開來的善舉而永續流芳。
The recipient of numerous awards, Mortimer Sackler was named
an Officer of the Legion of Honour in 1997, and an Honorary
Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire in 1999. Today, the Sackler name remains synonymous
with extraordinary philanthropy and public service—a spirited
legacy that continues to grow through the ongoing work of the
Sackler family.