Page 90 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 90

3132 CONITINUED                                                         此盞為英國康利夫勛爵 (1899-1963) 舊藏,其為20世紀西方最有影
    The current bowl was in the collection of Lord Cunliffe (1899-          於1960年受頒為劍橋大學菲茨威廉博物館東方藝術館榮譽館長。二
    1963), who was one of the greatest Western collectors of Chinese        戰後期其任職於英國皇家空軍,駐於倫敦,偶得閒暇步入了Bluett
    art in the mid-20th century. He was a prominent member                  經營的古董店,購入了他平生第一件的中國古董,開啟了他之後
    of the Oriental Ceramic Society from 1946 and served as the             長達二十多年的收藏生涯。康利夫雖對造型及紋飾較為簡潔的器物
    Honorary Keeper of the Oriental Department of the Fitzwilliam           最為鍾愛,但仍收藏了許多不同種類的器物,年代跨越極廣,包括
    Museum, Cambridge, from 1960 until his death. Though he                 商代青銅、宋瓷、明瓷、玉器等等。康利夫過世後,英國古董商
    had a preference for simple forms and less decorated pieces, his        Bluett & Sons曾為其約600件的藏品進行估價,總額近90,000英
    collection was all encompassing and included fine Shang bronzes,        鎊。其中三件極為著名的成化宮盌為康利夫於1947年以475英鎊自
    remarkable Song pieces and some of the finest imperial Ming             倫敦古董商Peter Boode處購得。三盌後被分次賣出,之後又幾現
    porcelain. With regards to the current bowl, he had noted: “Oscar       拍賣市場,最近的一次為2013年10月8日於香港蘇富比拍賣的秋葵
    Raphael had a similar bowl which is now in the Fitzwilliam              盌。康利夫曾對此建盞做出以下評論:「Oscar Raphael曾有一件
    Museum, Cambridge…it is not quite so brilliant as mine.’                類似的建盞,現藏劍橋大學菲茨威廉博物館......但並沒有我這件來得
    Jian black-glazed bowls were intended primarily for the drinking
    of tea. The choice of tea during the Song and Jin periods was a         宋代飲茶活動高度發展,其中鬪茶文化盛行,由裁判根據盞內茶液
    pale tea that was whisked to produce a white froth on top. Black-       泡沫的質量及持久度評選。黑褐盞較能襯托白色茶沫觀察茶色,因
    glazed bowls such as the present example became increasingly            此最受歡迎,其中又以紺黑地兔毫盞為貴。北宋蔡襄《茶錄》載:
    popular as they showed off the frothy white tea to great advantage.     「茶色白,宜黑盞,建安所造者紺黑紋如兔毫,其坯微厚,熁之
    The formation of patterns on Jian ware bowls depends on the             宗《大觀茶論》盞項亦有類似說法:「盞色貴青黑,玉毫條達者為
    specific oxides of iron that form in firing and to the type of          上,取其煥發茶采色也。」可見青黑釉地兔毫斑紋盞當時受重視的
    crystals that develop as the glaze cools. The current bowl has a        程度。
    very attractive black glaze with a network of iridescent ‘silver
    hare’s furs’ streaks, which is one of the rarest patterns amongst Jian  建窯黑釉屬高鐵含量的石灰釉,而石灰釉於高溫中容易流淌,釉裏
    bowls, and one of the most desirables prized by connoisseurs. For       層的氣泡將鐵質帶到釉表,於1250-1350度的高溫下,含鐵質的部
    similar Jian bowls with ‘silver hare’s furs’, compare an example        分流成斑駁條紋,冷卻時析出晶體,因而形成貌似兔毫的斑紋。由
    in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, illustrated by             於鐵氧化物在釉中的浮沉及氧化程度不同,會令斑紋的色澤及形態
    Robert Mowry, Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers:        隨之而變,因此每件建窯器均獨一無二。兔毫斑紋見灰色、褐色、
    Chinese Brown- and Black-Glazed Ceramics, 400-1400, Cambridge,          銀白色、銀藍色、金黃色及彩色等,其中以彩色最為名貴。此盞釉
    1996, pp. 219-220, no. 83, and another sold at Sotheby’s London,        上斑駁紋路密而不亂,色澤璀璨,銀白中泛彩虹光,實屬難得。近
    11 May 2011, lot 7, the markings on both of these examples              似例可參考美國大都會博物館一例及倫敦蘇富比2011年5月11日拍賣
    exhibit a bluish tinge.                                                 一例,拍品7號,該二例兔毫紋皆呈銀藍色。

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