Page 41 - Vol_2_Archaeology of Manila Galleon Seaport Trade
P. 41

1 Bound for America: A Historical and Archaeological …           7

            (Pescadores, ""), Dongfan ("!, now Taiwan), Mait (!#) and Dandao ('$)
            or Sanyu ('#) islands in Philippines during Han, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties.
              Sanguo Zhi (History of the Wu of Three Kingdoms !'"$($$)") recorded:

              In 2nd year (AD.230) of Huanglong ("!) reign of Wu ($) kingdom, the king ordered
              generals Weiwen (%#) and Zhuge Zhi (!!!) to lead a troop with 10,000 soldiers to
              search for Yizhou and Chanzhou (#$) where are located in the open sea. (Chen and Pei
              2006, p. 674)
              The chapter of Biography of Liuqiu of Suishu (History of the Sui Dynasty !#
            $") also said:
              Liuqiu (%$) is an island state within !ve days’ eastern bound sailing from Jian’an county
              in Fujian. (Wei and Linghu 1982, pp. 1823)
              Zhufan Zhi (Biography of Foreign Nations !!!$") of Song Dynasty

              Pisheye (#"", now Babuyan Island of the Philippines) is located next to Penghu Island,
              which is a part of Jinjiang ("") county in Fujian…Mait state is located to the north of
              Foni (now Brunei, north of Kalimantan), where more than one thousand of aboriginal
              people live along the riverside…Including islands such as Sanyu, Baipuyan (""',now
              Babuyan Island), Pulilu ("!#, now Polillo Island of the Philippines), Liyindong (!!
              "), Xinliu ("%), Lihan (!#)…When foreign merchants arrive at local villages they
              dared not land, instead anchoring their boats in the river and calling for local aboriginals to
              come to trade. (Zhao 1985, pp. 25–26)

              Daoyi Zhilue (Biography of the Foreign Island Barbarians $"$"") of Yuan
            Dynasty said:
              There is no forest vegetation in Penghu Island and the land is too infertile to grow grain.
              People from Quanzhou constructed thatched cottages on the island to live in…People with
              strong tattoos from Sandao (Three islands) in the Philippines usually come to Quanzhou by
              boat for business. They will be respected as members of the senior generation when they
              return to their homeland after they experience traveling in China. (Wang 1981, pp. 13, 23)

              Though the Ming Dynasty carried out maritime ban policy in seas surrounding
            China during its early period, the sea routes of East Ocean navigation between
            southeastern China and Philippines grew to be more explicit and concrete during
            Ming and Qing dynasties because of developed “smuggling” private trade of
            southeast Chinese merchants. The historical navigation guides of southeast China as
            Dongxiyang Kao (!"!"!" General Survey on the East and West Ocean),
            Shunfeng Xiangsong (!!"#$" Sea Routes with Successful Sailing), and
            Zhinan Zhengfa (!!!"%" Guide for the Right Sea Routes) described a series
            of East Ocean sea routes between mainland southeast China and Philippines, east of
            Indonesian, including “Navigation from Taiwushan (#$!) of Zhangzhou to
            Miyan ($$) harbor of Luzon (%%) via Penghu” in Dongxiyang Kao, navigation
            from seaports of Fujian and Guangdong as Meizhou ($$), Quanzhou,
            Zhangzhou, Nan’ao (!$) to Penghu, Luzon, Sulu and Brunei in Shunfeng
            Xiangsong (Fig. 1.1).
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