Page 101 - September 20 2021 Fabian Collection of Chinese Paintings Art Bonhams NYC
P. 101

Su Renshan’s Sunset at Changjiang with a Hundred Poems, 1845 is   本幅為蘇仁山作於1845年之《長江夕照》圖卷,是畫家筆下罕見之橫
           a rare horizontal handscroll by the artist, and a fabulous record of his   幅手卷,亦是其詩書作品的珠聯璧合之作。畫面起首頗具戲劇性,前
           calligraphy and poetry. This painting opens in dramatic fashion with   景為巨石及峭岸環繞之竹叢與樹林。畫家在畫幅右上角自題畫題《長
           a foreground fanning cluster of trees and bamboo surrounded by   江夕照》,粗獷曲崛,有隸書筆意。
           boulders and the steep riverbank. In the upper right corner, the artist
           titles the painting in a bold, angular calligraphy reminiscent of Han   當前景退去,畫面顯出深遠之處,蘇仁山的第二處題跋便於構圖邊緣
           clerical script, “Sunset at Changjiang”.          處展開:
           As the foreground recedes, revealing the deep distance, Su Renshan
           begins a second inscription along the lower edge of the composition.   從此處開始,畫家沿著河流寫下如密林般的文字。當河岸則逐漸褪為
           He writes:                                        兩條模糊的界線,書法題跋則逐漸進入了前景,甚至填滿了天空,最
           In the winter of the yisi (1845) during the tenth    則是以篆書寫就。
           month on the 22nd day, I finished this painting by the
           afternoon. I then picked up my brush and composed one
           hundred poems below the river scene...

           Thereupon the artist begins an outpouring of words, following the
           river’s course, with the land eventually dwindling to two faint lines. The
           calligraphy completely takes over the composition, encroaching still
           further into the foreground and the artist’s words wrapping around to
           fill the sky. Su Renshan closes the composition by signing the scroll
           again, this time in seal script.

                                                                                          FINE CHINESE PAINTINGS  |  97
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