Page 108 - September 20 2021 Fabian Collection of Chinese Paintings Art Bonhams NYC
P. 108
DING YANYONG (1902-1978) Exhibited/展覽:
Two Birds New Songs on Ancient Tunes, Honolulu Art Academy, Honolulu,
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, inscribed by the artist with a dedication Hawaii, August 30-October 28, 2007
to his student Yuzhu, and signed Ding Yanyong with a pictographic 《古調新歌:費立哲神父珍藏十九及二十世紀中國書畫》,檀香山藝
artist’s seal. 術博物館,夏威夷,2007年8月30日至10月28日
27 1/8 x 13 1/2in (69 x 34cm)
$4,000 - 6,000 Ding Yanyong was a native of Guangdong Province. He studied art
in Japan on a government scholarship beginning in 1920 and was
丁衍庸 鳥 水墨紙本 立軸 admitted to the Department of Western Paintings of Tokyo University
of Arts the following year. In 1925, he returned to Shanghai, and
Provenance/來源: together with his avant-garde peers he founded art organizations to
Far East Fine Arts, San Francisco, California, May 1994 advocate for new and progressive concepts of art. Soon after, he
加州舊金山遠東藝術中心,1994年5月 discovered the power of Chinese literati paintings specifically Bada
Shanren and Shi Tao.
Toda, Teisuke and Hiromitsu Ogawa comp. Comprehensive Illustrated By adopting the substance of the earlier masters, Ding Yanyong
Catalogue of Chinese Paintings, Third Series, Volume 1: American and created a style that is distinguishably unique. In this painting, the large
Canadian Collections, University of Tokyo Press, 2103, eyes of the young birds are reminiscent of the aloof and solitary images
A50-251, p. 224 of animals by Bada Shanren, however Ding’s use of casual and simple
戶田禎佑、小川裕充,《中國繪畫總合圖錄》三編,第一卷,東京大 ink dots and strokes to render the fluffy and goofy appearance of the
學出版會,東京,2013年,A50-251,頁224 birds has successfully created a sense of animation and humor.
Little, Stephen, and J. May Lee Barrett. New Songs on Ancient Tunes: 丁衍庸,廣東茂名縣(今高州市)人。一九二〇年獲廣東省政府保送
19th-20th Century Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Richard 赴日留學,秋天進入東京川端畫學校補習素描。一九二五年冬學成返
Fabian Collection, Honolulu: Honolulu Academy of Arts, 國,與陳抱一、關良、陳樹人、高劍父、倪貽德等志同道合的藝術家
2007, pp. 512-513 成立多個美術社團,積極宣傳新的、進步的藝術理念。1929年因參與
Little, Stephen, J. May Lee Barrett,《古調新歌:費立哲神父珍藏十九 籌備廣州市立博物院,接觸到古代書畫及金石文物,從八大山人、石
及二十世紀中國書畫》,檀香山藝術博物館,夏威夷, 濤的畫作中汲取靈感,開始了融合中西的藝術追求。