Page 375 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 375

Yung Cheng Period (1723-1735)                                  225

30. Reproductions of wares with incised green decoration in a yellow glaze
            (chiao huang).

31. Reproductions of yellow-glazed wares: including plain and with incised

32. Reproductions of purple brown (teu) glazed wares : including plain and
           with incised ornament.

33. Porcelain with engraved ornament : including all kinds of glazes.
34. Porcelain with embossed {iui) ornament : including all kinds of glazes.
35. Painted red (mo^ hung) : copying old specimens.
36. Red decoration {ts'ai hung) : copying old specimens.

37. Porcelain in yellow after the European style."
38. Porcelain in purple brown {tzH) after the European style.
39. Silvered {mo yin) porcelain.

40. Porcelain painted in ink (shui mo) : see p. 214.
41. Reproductions of the pure white {t'ien pai)^ porcelain of the Hsiian Te

          period : including a variety of wares thick and thin, large and small.
42. Reproductions of Chia Ching wares with blue designs.

43. Reproductions of Ch'eng Hua pale painted {tan miao) blue designs.

44. Millet colour {mi si) glazes. " Differing from the Sung millet colour."

In two shades, dark and light.

45. Porcelain with red in the glaze {yu li hung) : including (1) painted
          designs exclusively in red, (2) the combination of blue foliage and

red flowers.*

46. Reproductions of lustrous brov.Ti {tzil chin) glaze :  including two
          varieties, brown and yellow.

47. Porcelains with yellow glaze {chiao huang) decorated in enamels {wu

ts'ai). " This is the result of recent experiments."

48. Reproductions of green-glazed porcelain : including that with plain

ground and with engraved ornament.

49. Wares with foreign colours {gang ts'ai). " In the new copies of the

\\''estern style of painting in enamels {fa-lang) the landscapes and

figure scenes, the flowering plants and birds are without exception

          of supernatural beauty and finish." ^

50. Porcelain mth embossed ornament {kung hua) : including all kinds of


51. Porcelain with European {hsi gang) red colour.

   ^1 mo, lit. "rubbed." Bushell (0. C. A., p. 383) explains the term mo hung as

" applied to the process of painting the coral red monochrome derived from iron over

the glaze with an ordinary brush."
     2 Bushell takes this to be the lemon yellow enamel which was first used at this


      3 See p. 37.

   ^^M.niUf'^^M^^^MK^^ y" ''""f/ y^'^a i^^ng yu hui hua chc, yu

cKing yzh hung hua che. Bushell (0. C. A., p. 386) gives a slightly different applica-
tion of this passage, but the meaning seems to be obviously that given above.

     * This note is given by Bushell, apparently from the Chinese edition which he used ;
but it does not appear in the British Museum copy. It is, however, attached to the list

as quoted in the T'ao lu.

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