Page 376 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 376

226 Chinese Pottery and Porcelain

52. Reproductions of wu chin (mirror black) glazes : including those -vs^th
           black ground and white designs and those with black ground and


53. Porcelain with European green colour.
54. European wu chin (mirror black) wares.
55. Gilt (mo chin) porcelain : copying the Japanese.
56. Gilt (miao chin)^ porcelain : copying the Japanese.
57. Silvered (miao yin) porcelain : copying the Japanese.
58. Large jars (ta kang) with Imperial factory (ch'ang kuan) glazes. " Dimen-

           sions : diameter, at the mouth, 3 ft. 4 or 5 in. to 4 ft. ; height,
          1 ft. 7 or 8 in. to 2 ft. Glaze colours, (1) eel yellow, (2) cucumber
           (kua p'i) green, and (3) yellow and green mottled (huang lii tien).
     This last item, which is not included in Bushell's Hst, appears
to be almost a repetition of No. 9, with sHghtly different phrasing.

Huang lii tien, which is used instead of the difficult phrase huang
pan tien, may perhaps be taken as a gloss on the latter, indicating

that the spots in the mottled yellow were green. In this case it
would appear that the " spotted yellow " was a sort of tiger skin
glaze, consisting of dabs of green and yellow^ (and perhaps auber-
gine as well). Bushell interpreted it in this sense.

     ^ As already explained, miao chin refers to gilt designs painted with a brush, and
mo chin to gilding covering the entire surface.

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