Page 104 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Eternal Music in Chinese art
P. 104
LIN XI (B.1961) 款識: 最喜歡寫「我」字,容易「造勢」,現實中卻
‘YOUR FIRST NAME IS MY LAST NAME’ in 追。一追再追,追踪一些生活最基本需要, 是最難寫的一個 字。一個「我」字有太多種
running script 原來早不缺少,有了你,即使平凡卻最重 寫法,寫了很多很多次「我就是我」, 左右
Ink and colour on paper, inscribed by the 要。追,張國榮唱,林夕詞。林夕書,於一 兩端各一,如果都一樣則缺乏生氣,風格變化
artist and dated 2020, signed Lin Xi with three 九九四年灌錄。 太大,就有違題旨,書法一筆一畫本身就是一
seals reading Yiri sanqiu, Lin xi and Fengming, 種超越字義的語言嘛。如此這般「我」 了又
framed and glazed. 鈐印:林夕、一日三秋、明月前身 「我」,結果發現別想太多,就隨心所欲,不
69.4cm (27 1/4in) high x 62.5cm (24 1/4in) wide. 懷設定的機心,一筆過的「我」也好,右側那
The present lot is an inspiring calligraphic 一點點到哪裡就哪裡,豈不快哉!至於
HKD5,000 - 8,000 representation of the Song, “Chase”, that Lin 《我》之歌詞創作,寫得比書法還要快。起
wrote in 1995 for Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing
US$650 - 1,000 (1956-2003), one of the most prominent 源就張國榮一通電話,問我有沒有看過電影
《假凰虛凰》,我説有,他説那你就寫「I am
pioneers that shaped the identity of Cantopop what I am」,我説很好,就這樣而已。他譜
林夕 行書「你的名字我的姓氏」水墨紙本 鏡 during the 1980s. In the present work, Lin 的曲,我填的詞,若生於古時,心靈相通當
框 completed the final stroke to manifest a 如子期遇伯琴。到如今,只能秉持著「我就是
state of equilibrium between breaking and 我」,做不一樣顏色煙火的精神。
款識: not yet broken. To achieve a sense of flow in
你的名字我的姓氏。你的名字我的姓氏,一 this stroke, the artist must have confidence 48
九九六年原唱張學友,林夕作詞。林夕書於 without any hesitation during the writing of LIN XI (B.1961)
二零二零年。 these characters. ‘XISHUI CHANGLIU’ in running script
Ink on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated
鈐印:林夕、一日三秋、鳳鳴 張國榮重登歌唱生涯第一首歌,電影《金枝玉 2020, signed Lin Xi with two seals reading Yiri
葉》的主題曲,也是唱完了《追》,誘發了他 sanqiu and Lin xi, framed and glazed.
The present lot is created in homage to Lin’s 捨不得丟下麥克風,從此開拓了跟之前不一樣 153cm (60 1/4in) wide x 40cm (15 3/4in) high.
favorite artist, Tong Yang-tze (b. 1942). “Your 的歌曲風格。構想這幅《追》的時候,曾想過
First Name is My Last Name” was written 用中體寫最深入人心那段「一追再追,追蹤一
by Lin for Jacky Cheung Hok-yau (b.1961), 些生命最基本需要,原來都不缺少」;後來又 HKD5,000 - 8,000
who is regarded as one of the “Four Heavenly 寫了好幾幅「一追再追」的大字,最後還是追 US$650 - 1,000
Kings” of Cantopop and “God of Songs” of 求精簡,寫超大一個「追」字;用竹製的「毛
Hong Kong. 筆」,刨成一簇竹絲的筆鋒,吸墨有別於一般 林夕 行書「細水長流」 水墨紙本 鏡框
傳聞這是送給張學友的新婚誌,實是一場浪 像一場冒險,反而會寫出意想不到的效果,枯 款識:
漫美麗的誤會。歌神婚訊我無所聞,這原是 筆顯得更枯,枯榮相修,大概更能表達我們不 細水長流。等到風景都看透,我會陪你去看
要配合他演唱會的主題曲,可這也無損於給 斷在追的過程吧。「追」字那彎彎長長一捺, 細水長流。紅豆。王菲唱。林夕作詞。林夕
他結婚賀禮的意義,也可以説是冥冥中注 要做到欲斷難斷的效果, 要追揮灑,先有自 書。
定的緣份。只是這禮物他收到的時候也太倉 信,途中沒有猶豫的餘地, 稍微黏著停滯,
促,是在紅磡體育館現場彩排時,才收到我 那一彎舟子就砸了壞了。書法果然如人生, 鈐印:林夕、一日三秋
的歌詞,慚愧。這一副名字姓氏你的我的, 下筆無回頭。
風格是模仿或者説參考、更可以説是對我極 The four characters are chosen from the pop
喜歡的董陽孜老師致敬。書法每一個字落在 47 song, “Hong Dou” that Lin wrote for Faye
何處,沒有一定的框框,大小濃淡以及所在 LIN XI (B.1961) Wong (b. 1969) in 1998. Often referred as the
處,每次佈局也可以是一副畫,留白也不只 ‘I AM WHAT I AM’ in running script “diva of Asia” and recognised by Guinness
在行距字距了。這「字畫」先畫好「草圖」, Ink on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated World Records as the Best Selling Cantopop
設想好那幾個字用淡灰,哪個用粗黑成為視 2020, signed Lin Xi with three seals reading Female in 2000, the pop queen’s uneasy
覺主體,然後再調了好幾次墨色,看看黑白 Lin xi, Xianren biwu and Caoming shuitian, stories of her personal life are reflected in her
灰的對比最符合理想,才正式來真的下筆。 framed and glazed. music that many of us grew up with. In this
好玩之處在於刻意把「我」字跟「你」字對 88.7cm (34 3/4in) wide x 35cm (13 3/4in) high. work, Lin chooses a half-cursive style and a
調,視覺效果變成我的名字你的姓氏, 對, worm-toned paper to represent the “flowing
這才是你中有我,我中有你。而無論「你」 stream” as the lyrics narrate, as he believes a
「我」,墨色淡灰近乎白,若隱若現,如無 HKD5,000 - 8,000 healthy relationship should be like a trickle that
我無你,放下你我執念,方能成一家人也。 US$650 - 1,000 lasts forever.
46 林夕 行書「我就是我」 水墨紙本 鏡框 《紅豆》為什麼不叫《有時候》、《等到風
LIN XI (B.1961) 景都看透》?非因紅豆生南國,此物最相
‘CHASE’ in running script 款識: 思。是我讓王菲跟木村拓哉在合作拍電影
Ink on paper, inscribed by the artist and dated 我就是我。是顏色不一樣的煙火,天空海闊 前,已穿了一條線。話説那時候,擁有邊寫
2020, signed Lin Xi with three seals reading 要做最堅強的泡沫。我就是我,讓薔薇開出 邊追劇的神奇本領,看到木村跟女朋友沈默
Yiri sanqiu, Lin xi and Mingyue qianshen, 一種結[果]。孤獨的沙漠裡,一樣盛放得赤裸 相對,分手的預感籠罩整個廚房,然後又繼
framed and glazed. 裸。我。張國榮唱作,林夕寫詞於二千年。 續在旋律中尋找適合的詞兒;看到木村女友
82.5cm (32 1/2in) high x 63.4cm (24 1/4in) wide. 二十年後林夕書。 神不守舍,弄焦了一鍋紅豆湯,竟然還可以
HKD5,000 - 8,000 鈐印:林夕、仙人必物、草明水田 為歌名。「細水長流」四個大字,太工整嫌
US$650 - 1,000 呆板,愛情是躍動的,如旋律有起伏,故用
“I Am What I Am” is another song Lin wrote 行書帶出流水的線條,另特意選了一種「蟬
for Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing (1956-2003), 翼紙」,貪其底色有暖意有古氣,寄意天下
林夕 行書「追」 水墨紙本 鏡框 and it was released by Universal Music Group 有情人感情既歷久又常新。
in 2010. In this calligraphy, Lin interprets the
character “I” in different styles of strokes, to
reflect the self-complexity of a person.