Page 33 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 33
fig. 2 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
圖二 北京故宮博物院藏品
In the Yongle reign the porcelain vessels of this form were made in a variety of sizes 永樂時期所燒製的青花折沿盆有各種不同的大小,
from those with a mouth diameter of 16.5 cm., to those with a mouth diameter 口徑從 16.5 公分至 31.6 公分不等。此器口徑 26.3
of 31.6 cm. The current basin with a mouth diameter of 26.3 cm. can be regarded 公分.屬於中等尺寸。大部分青花折沿盆的口沿
a middle-sized. The majority of these blue and white basins, including the current 均繪海水波濤紋,此器即為一例。這種特殊的海
example, have a band of turbulent waves around the rim.This distinctive wave band 水紋乃永樂朝御製精品的特徵,只有尺寸非常大
is characteristic of fine imperial wares of the Yongle reign. It appears that only the 的永樂折沿盆,其折沿才會有不同的紋飾,如南
very large Yongle basins bear a different decorative band on the rim. A basin of 30.9 京博物館藏一例(口徑 30.9 公分),參見《中國
cm. diameter in the collection of the Nanjing Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo 南京博物館所藏 – 復甦的南遷文物》,東京,
Nanjing Bowuyuan Suocang, TBS, Tokyo, 1998, p. 34, no. 6; and an even larger one 1998 年,頁 34,圖版 6 號,以及北京故宮博物院
with a diameter of 31.6 cm. in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, 藏一件(口徑 31.6 公分),參見故宮博物院藏
illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 34 - Blue and 文物珍品大系《青花釉裹紅.上》,香港,2000 年,
White Porcelain with Underglaze Red (I), Commercial Press, Hong Kong, 2000, p. 52, 頁 52,圖版 49 號,口沿均繪精巧的纏枝石竹紋。
no. 49. Both these examples have an elaborate scroll of carnations or pinks around 這兩件大型折沿盆之盆心亦有不同的裝飾,均為
the rim.The two larger basins also have a different design on the interior base.They 裡心飾吉祥紋.外繞蓮瓣紋.外圍飾回紋;但中
both have a ring of lotus petals containing emblems within a circle of keyfrets, 小型折沿盆的盆心,則繪上精緻的纏枝如意雲頭
while the medium and small sized basin have elaborate scrolling arabesques within 紋,外圍飾以一般的海水紋。
a circle of formal wave patterns.
A much smaller basin with the same decoration as the current example is in the 折沿盆,見故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系《青花釉
collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated The Complete collection of 裹紅.上》,頁 53,圖版 50 號(圖二)。台北
Treasures of the Palace Museum - 34 - Blue and White Porcelain with Underglaze Red (I), 故宮博物院亦藏一件,其紋飾與此相同而且尺寸
op. cit., p. 53, no. 50 (fig. 2). A similar basin of the same design and approximately 相仿,載於《明代初年瓷器特展目錄》,台北,
the same size is in the collection of the National Palace Museum,Taipei, illustrated 1982 年, 頁 110, 圖 版 45 號。 另 可 比 較 一 例 載
in Ming dai chunian ciqi tezhen mulu, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1982, p. 110, 於《 世 界 陶 磁 全 集 14 明 》, 東 京,1976 年, 頁
no. 45 (fig. 2). A further example of this size is published by R. Fujioka and G. 166,圖版 151 號。以及布倫德基藏品,見《青花
Hasebe, Sekai toji zenshu - 14 Ming, Shogakukan, Tokyo, 1976, p. 166, no. 151. An 一中國瓷器及其對西方世界的影馨》,芝加哥,
example from the Brundage Collection was exhibited in Blue and White - Chinese 1985 年,頁 84-85,圖版 28 號。
Porcelain and its Impact on the Western World, University of Chicago, 1985, no. 28.
The form appears to have survived, perhaps only briefly into the Xuande reign, 短暫,一件具宣德款的例子可參見日本的大和文
and an example bearing a Xuande reign mark is published in Chinese Ceramics from 華館藏品,見《大和文華館所藏品圖版目錄 7- 中
the Museum Yamato Bunkakan, illustrated catalogue Series no. 7, Nara, 1977, no. 134. 國陶磁》,奈良,1977 年,圖版 134 號。然而宣
However the decoration on the Xuande vessel is different. The combination of 德的折沿盆的裝飾手法已然不同。本器具有永樂
graceful Yongle decoration on this simple, but elegant, Near Eastern form, as seen 時代雅緻的裝飾風格,以及近東的優美造型,兩
on the current example produces a particularly attractive vessel. 者結合之下,成就此一魅力獨具的精品。