Page 110 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 110


A RARE CLOISONNE ENAMEL                             清乾隆 掐絲琺瑯御題詩五孔花插
INSCRIBED FLOWER RECEPTACLE                                    《乾隆癸卯季夏御題》款
MARK AND PERIOD OF QIANLONG,                                   「乾」、「比德」印
ACCORDANCE WITH 1783)                               來源:
finely cast with a cylindrical body surmounted by
a top pierced with five apertures and encircled     御題詩:
with a wide rim, the top decorated with stylised    輞頭名近俗,卻自古胥知。
scrollwork and a floral border, the sides of the    云是五輅舁,飾為兩首儀。
body inscribed with an imperial poem eulogising     璘㻞深浸土,刻畫細如絲。
ancient jades and a yuti reign mark, dated to the   周禮周官世,睪然興緬思。
guimao year of the Qianlong reign (in accordance    (載於〈詠漢玉輞頭缾〉,《清高宗御製詩文
with 1783) and terminating with a seal mark         全集.御製詩五集》,卷30,頁26)
reading bide (‘virtuous as jade’), all against a
turquoise ‘ice crackle’ ground and between dark
blue bands enclosing scrollwork, the base centred
with a trigram qian encircled by a pair of sinuous
dragons (long) chasing a flaming pearl
7 cm, 2¾ in.

Christie’s London, 12th May 2009, lot 123.

HK$ 800,000-1,000,000
US$ 103,000-128,000

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