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Qing Gaozong yuzhi shiwen quanji [Anthology of imperial Qianlong poems and proses], Yuzhi shi wu ji [Imperial poems,
vol. 5], juan 30, p. 26.


The imperial poem on the present vessel, titled      Museums in Beijing and Taipei. See a Liangzhu
Yong Han yu wangtou ping (‘In praise of the          culture jade cong with a taller cloisonné enamel
jade vessel in the shape of a wheel frame from       liner, both inscribed with the same imperial poem,
the Han dynasty’) dated to the guimao year of        preserved in the National Palace Museum, Taipei
the Qianlong reign (corresponding to 1783), is       and included in the Museum’s exhibition The
included in the Qing Gaozong yuzhi shiwen quan ji    Enchanting Splendor of Vases and Planters: A
[Anthology of imperial Qianlong poems], Yuzhi shi    Special Exhibition of Flower Vessels from the Ming
wu ji [imperial poems, vol. 5], juan 30, p. 26. The  and Qing Dynasties, Taipei, 2002, cat. no. II-07;
vessel mentioned in the poem probably referred       and another jade cong with a similar cloisonné
to Neolithic ritual jade cong with rectangular       enamel liner bearing a different poem, exhibited
sides and a cylindrical shaft, originated from       in The Life of the Emperor Qianlong, The Macao
the Liangzhu culture, which flourished in            Museum of Art, Macau, 2002, cat. no. 61. See
southeastern China in the third millennium BC.       also a related cloisonné vessel inscribed with
However, the original functions and significance     yet another poem, sold in these rooms, 4th April
of these jade cong were long forgotten through       2012, lot 3194.
the ages. Many of these jade cong were later lined
with cylindrical metal vessels to be used as vases.  The trigram is one of the bagua (Eight Trigrams)
                                                     used in ancient times for divination. The Qianlong
During the Qianlong reign, liners with imperial      Emperor was fond of symbols with archaic
poems, such as the present piece, were produced      connotation and often used the combination of
by the Imperial Palace Workshop (Zaobanchu)          this trigram, which is called qian, with dragons
and several examples are preserved in the Palace     (long) as a homophone of his reign name.

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