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This elegant vessel, superbly potted and              from the tomb of Zhu Youyun, Prince Jing of Yong        of Asian Ceramics: From the Collection of The
masterfully painted, represents one of those          (1481-1507), son of the Chenghua Emperor (r.            Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, Osaka,
classic Yongle styles, which the world over have      1465-1487), in Shijingshan district, Beijing, pl. 141.  2014, pl. 79. Another Yongle white meiping with
become identified with China’s blue and white                                                                 the characters neifu in blue but without a cover,
porcelain per se. In brilliant shades of cobalt       In west and central Asia, meiping vessels               originally from the Qing court collection and
blue six sprays of fruits – peach, pomegranate,       appear to have been used as vases: see a detail         now in the Palace Museum, Taipei, was recently
crabapple, lychee, loquat and longan – are            of Tahmina Comes into Rustam’s Chamber,                 exhibited in Pleasingly Pure and Lustrous, op.cit.,
carefully arranged to accentuate the attractive       an illustrated folio dated to circa 1434 from a         p. 19 (fig. 2).
silhouette of the body. A pleasure for the eyes       manuscript of the Shahnama of Firdawsi in the
and a delight to the touch, the present piece         collection of the Harvard Art Museums, depicting        Several examples, originally from the Qing court
belongs to a small group of vessels made in the       a pair of blue and white dragon-decorated               collection, are preserved in the Palace Museums
early Ming dynasty (1368-1644), to be prized for      meiping holding red flowers, included in Pleasingly     in Beijing and Taipei; see one in Beijing, illustrated
centuries.                                            Pure and Lustrous: Porcelains from the Yongle           in Zhongguo taoci quanji [Complete series on
                                                      Reign of the Ming Dynasty. Guidebook, National          Chinese ceramics], Shanghai, 1999-2000, vol.
Vessels with gracefully rounded shoulders             Palace Museum, Taipei, 2017, p. 51.                     12, pl. 12; another in Geng Baochang, ed., Gugong
and dainty mouths such as the present piece                                                                   Bowuyuan cang gu taoci ciliao xuancui [Selection
first appeared in the Tang dynasty (618-907)          In the early Ming dynasty, kiln production was          of ancient ceramic material from the Palace
and gained in popularity since the Song period        supervised by the court, which was responsible          Museum], Beijing 2005, vol. 1, pl. 85; and a third,
(960-1279). Although originally made as wine          for dingduo yangzhi, ‘authorising the types’            attributed to the Xuande period, published in
containers, vessels of this elegant shape are         of ceramics to be made. In the Yongle period,           Geng Baochang, ed., Gugong Bowuyuan cang
called meiping or ‘prunus vase’, reflecting a         Jingdezhen kilns saw an unprecedented                   Ming chu qinghua ci [Early Ming blue and white
change of function in the later dynasties. In the     refinement of materials and craftsmanship and           porcelain in the Palace Museum], Beijing, 2002,
Yuan (1279-1368) and Ming dynasties, meiping          produced a range of outstanding and graceful            vol. 1, pl. 76. Two meiping of this design are also
were probably still used primarily as wine vessels,   wares, such as meiping vessels of various               preserved in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
but also began to hold flowers. A court painting of   sizes with voluptuous silhouettes of elegant            illustrated in Minji meihin zuroku [Illustrated
cats at play, attributed to the late Ming dynasty,    proportions. In contrast to the dense, continuous       catalogue of important Ming porcelains], Tokyo,
illustrates a pair of meiping on a table, containing  scrolls popular in earlier periods, separate sprays     1977-1978, vol. 1, pls 12 and 39. Slightly varying in
twigs of coral and flanking a purple lobed vase       began to appear on blue and white wares such as         proportion and composition, these two examples
which appears to be a piece of Jun ware (fig.         the present meiping, leaving much of the white          are attributed to different reigns; the first, with its
1, Gugong shuhua tulu/Illustrated Catalog of          space unfilled and radiating an aura of tranquility     fruit sprays more sparsely arranged, is attributed
Painting and Calligraphy in the National Palace       and purity, which is quintessential of the period.      to the Yongle period, while the other, with a cover
Museum, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1989,                                                                 painted with lingzhi, is attributed to the Xuande
vol. 3, p. 119).                                      Although one of the innovations during the              period.
                                                      Yongle period was the addition of reign marks,
Meiping were also placed in royal and aristocratic    most Yongle vessels remained unmarked. While            Meiping vessels of this design and size were
tombs in the Ming dynasty, suggesting that            meiping have been excavated from the Yongle             cherished not only by the imperial court in China
they served an important ritual function. See an      stratum at Jingdezhen, apparently no sherds             but also by royal families in the Middle East.
underglaze-red covered meiping of the Hongwu          of this pattern have yet been found. As a result,       The Ottoman Royal collection had a total of six
period (1368-1398), excavated from the tomb of        some of these vessels have been attributed to the       meiping of this design, two of them illustrated in
Princess Ancheng (1384-1443), daughter of the         Xuande reign (1426-1435) by some scholars.              Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapi
Yongle Emperor (r. 1403-1424), and her husband                                                                Saray Museum, Istanbul, ed. John Ayers, London,
(d. 1430) in Jiangsu, illustrated in Fujioka Ryoichi  Meiping of similar form were made specifically for      1986, vol. 2, no. 624. Four others from the Safavid
& Hasebe Gakuji, eds, Sekai tōji zenshū/Ceramic       the court during the Yongle period. For example,        Royal collection preserved in the Ardabil Shrine
Art of the World, vol. XIV: Min/Ming Dynasty,         a pair of Yongle sweet-white glazed meiping with        in Iran are recorded and one of them is illustrated
Tokyo, 1976, col. pl. 140, together with a Yongle     covers from the Ataka collection are inscribed          in John Alexander Pope, Chinese Porcelains from
period underglaze-blue covered example painted        in underglaze blue with the characters neifu or         the Ardebil Shrine, Washington, D.C., 1956 (rev.
with peach blossoms and bamboo, unearthed             ‘imperial household’, suggesting these vessels          ed., London, 1981), pl. 51 top right.
                                                      were made by order of the court; see The Beauty

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