Page 119 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
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fig. 1                                                                     fig. 2

Anonymous court painter, Cats at Play, late Ming dynasty, colours on silk  Tianbai ‘neifu’ meiping, Ming dynasty, Yongle period, Qing court collection
© Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei                         © Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Another early Ming meiping attributed to the         characteristic ‘heaping and piling’ effect of the   more elaborate borders, depicting melon, ginkgo,
Xuande reign, in the collection of the Shanghai      cobalt blue, highlighting the depth and texture     cherry and grape in addition to the fruits found
Museum, is illustrated together with a Yongzheng     of the design. This effect, caused by the specific  on this six-spray decorated meiping. See a pair of
copy in Lu Minghua, Shanghai Bowuguan zangpin        chemical composition of the vivid blue colour       covered examples excavated in Haidian district,
yanjiu daxi/Studies of the Shanghai Museum           imported from Iran, became a trademark of the       Beijing, and preserved in the Capital Museum,
Collections: A Series of Monographs. Mingdai         imperial blue and white wares from the early Ming   one illustrated in Fujioka Ryoichi and Hasebe
guanyao ciqi [Ming imperial porcelain], Shanghai,    dynasty and was much desired and copied in          Gakuji, eds, op.cit., col. pl. 142.
2007, pls 5-21 and 5-22 (images reversed);           the succeeding dynasty. During the Yongzheng
and an early Ming example in the Jingdezhen          period (1723-1735), the Emperor commissioned        This meiping comes from the collection of
Ceramic Museum is published in Keitokuchin jiki      the Jingdezhen kilns to imitate this type of        Tage Wøldike Schmidt (1915-2010), the former
[Jingdezhen ceramics], Kyoto, 1982, pl. 36. A        meiping, probably based on an antique vessel        director of the East Asiatic Company, a Danish
meiping of this design and similar size from the     sent from the palace. Copies were continuously      trading and shipping company founded by Hans
Edward T. Chow collection, was sold in these         made in the Qianlong period (1736-1795), but        Niels Andersen in Copenhagen in 1897. Schmidt
rooms, 19th May 1981, lot 409, together with a       they diverge in proportion and painting style       joined the company in 1933 and was posted to
Qianlong version with fruit and flower sprays, lot   from the Ming dynasty originals and emphasise       the Far East, including China, since the 1930s.
546. A larger Yongle example from the Estate         a type of precision which is more consistent        In 1946 he became the branch manager of
of Laurance S. Rockefeller was sold in our New       with their contemporary counterparts. For Qing      Tianjin and was promoted to managing director
York rooms, 21st/22nd September 2005, lot 64.        dynasty copies besides the ones listed above, see   of the company in 1964. At the beginning of the
Two further meiping of this design and similar       a Yongzheng meiping and a Qianlong one in the       twentieth century, the East Asiatic Company
size have been sold in these rooms; one from a       collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, included  owned several well-established regional offices
Nagoya tea ceremony collection, 8th April 2014,      in Gugong Bowuyuan cang Ming chu qinghua ci,        in China and their branch managers in many of
lot 3023 and the other, 7th October 2015, lot        op.cit., vol. 2, pls 185 and 202.                   these cities, including in Hankou, Harbin, Dalian
3607.                                                                                                    and Qingdao, were appointed to represent the
                                                     In the early Ming dynasty, meiping of similar form  Danish government.
Finely potted and smoothly covered with a tactile    but with a more complex design were made.
glaze, the present meiping beautifully displays the  They are painted with ten fruit sprays between

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