Page 122 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 122


A FINE, SUPERB AND RARE BLUE                        明永樂 青花折枝花果紋梅瓶
MING DYNASTY, YONGLE PERIOD                         來源:
                                                    丹麥寶隆洋行董事 Tage Wøldike
superbly potted with a full rounded shoulder        Schmidt(1915-2010年)收藏,曾於1930年
rising at a gently flaring angle from the unglazed  代僑居中國
base and surmounted by a short waisted neck,
superbly decorated in washes of cobalt blue
with a wide frieze of six fruiting sprays arranged
in an alternating double register, the upper
register showing detached peach, crab apple and
pomgegranate, the lower register with loquat,
lychee and longan, the leafy branches further
issuing small blossoms and buds, between two
double-line borders, the shoulder collared by a
band of pendent lotus lappets enclosing trefoils
below the neck, all above a border of overlapping
leaves skirting the foot
28.6 cm, 11¼ in.


Collection of Tage Wøldike Schmidt (1915-2010),
director of the East Asiatic Company, posted to
China in the 1930s.

HK$ 22,000,000-30,000,000
US$ 2,820,000-3,840,000

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