Page 128 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 128
The present piece is an extremely rare and fine 5, Tang, Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, 此印透雕蹲龍為鈕,其目圓瞪,鼻上翹,曲軀
example of Yuan dynasty jade seal carving. The Beijing, 2011, pl. 266, together with a slightly 細頸,利爪緊捏印邊,躍躍欲動,悍猛有勁,
dynamism associated with the Mongol Yuan larger square seal, but with a less ornately-carved 展現蒙帝天威,且巧用天然玉色,化瑕為瑜,
rulers is evident in the boldly rendered dragon, dragon, pl. 267. Related jade seals attributed 誠元代玉印佳例。
whose crouching position captures the innate to the early Ming dynasty include a square
power of a creature that is ready to leap at any seal, included in the Oriental Ceramic Society 據《新元史》,元朝宮廷印章,受禮部嚴格監
moment. Such pending movement is perhaps exhibition Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages, 督,材質、樣式、大小,俱依制而造,乃身份
achieved best in the small yet masterful detail Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1975, cat. 地位之象徵,如帝師、國師之級可授玉印。
of the front claws that have been carved to grip no. 342; another, included in the exhibition Dr 拉薩西藏博物館仍存元代帝君授予帝師、國師
the edge of the square seal face. The dragon Newton’s Zoo: A Study of Post-Archaic Small Jade 之龍鈕玉印,但龍姿各異,鐫八思巴印文,見
embodies the characteristics of Yuan dynasty Carvings, Bluett & Sons, London, 1981, cat. no. 《雪域藏珍:西藏文物精華》,上海博物館,
carving and the spirit of the period, such as 46. Compare also a seal surmounted by a dragon, 上海,2001年,編號1,以及《聖地西藏:
its sinuous body that tapers to a thin neck, but the claws carved away from the edge, from 最接近天空的寶藏》,台北,2010年,編號
protruding eyes and upturned nose. The natural the collection of Alan and Simone Hartman, sold 077-079。
linear inclusions of the stone have been skilfully at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28th November 2006,
utilised to run diagonally across the seal face, lot 1357, and again in these rooms, 7th October 然除西藏博物館所藏,傳世元代龍鈕玉印甚
which serves to heighten the energetic effect. 2015, lot 1908. 罕,但仍有數例可資參考,如北京故宮博物
During the Yuan dynasty, official seals were a In the Qing dynasty, seals from the preceding 博物院藏品大系玉器篇》,卷5:唐宋遼金
token of political authority. According to Xin Yuan periods were reworked and reused by the 元,北京,2011年,圖版266,並錄另一方
shi [New Yuan History], all the official seals of imperial court. A Yuan dynasty seal surmounted 印,尺寸稍大,但龍鈕雕飾較簡,圖版267
the Yuan were produced centrally by the Ministry by a dragon in similar crouching pose, was carved 。東方陶瓷學會展覽又曾見一例,卻斷代
of Rites of the Secretariat by strict regulations. with the inscription Yongzheng yubi zhi bao 明初,見《Chinese Jade Throughout the
Different materials, designs and sizes were used (‘Treasure in the imperial hand of the Yongzheng Ages》,維多利亞與艾爾伯特博物館,倫
according to rank, such as gold for princes and Emperor’) in the early Qing dynasty, entered the 敦,1975年,編號342。又有一例展於《Dr
feudal princes, jade for preceptors of emperors collection of Emile Guimet (1836-1918) and sold Newton’s Zoo: A Study of Post-Archaic
and state, silver for upper first to upper third in these rooms, 5th October 2011, lot 1908. Small Jade Carvings》,倫敦,1981年,編
rank officials, and bronze for officials of third rank 號46。Alan and Simone Hartman 伉儷舊藏
or lower. Several jade seals, but surmounted The seal face is carved in jiudiezhuan with the 還有一印,2006年11月28日於香港佳士得拍
by dragons in various poses and carved with characters hong chan fo zong (‘to spread the 出,編號1357,後再售於香港蘇富比2015年
inscriptions in Phagspa, were bestowed to the teachings of Buddhism’). A smaller celadon jade 10月7日,編號1908。
imperial Buddhist preceptors by the emperors seal with a similar inscription reading da chan fo
and preserved in the Tibet Museum, Lhasa, zong (‘the grand Buddhism’), but in small seal 清代宮廷,有用前朝印寶改刻御璽的做法。愛
illustrated in Treasures from Snow Mountains: script (xiaozhuan) and attributed to the Qing 米爾.吉美(1836-1918年)舊藏璽,龍鈕為
Gems of Tibetan Cultural Relics, Shanghai dynasty, is recorded as preserved in Norbulingka, 元朝之作,姿態與此相近,清初改刻印面「
Museum, Shanghai, 2001, cat. no. 1, and Tibet. Lhasa; the seal impression is illustrated in Ou 雍正御筆之寶」作御璽,後售於香港蘇富比
Treasures from the Roof of the World, Taipei, Chaogui and Qi Mei, Xizang lidai cang yin [Seals 2011年10月5日,編號1908。
2010, cat. nos 077-079. in Tibet through the ages], Lhasa, 1991, p. 93
bottom. 此印印面以九疊篆刻「弘闡佛宗」。據錄有一
Jade seals of the Yuan dynasty surmounted 印文與此接近之青玉螭鈕印,以小篆刻「大闡
by dragon-shaped knobs are otherwise rare; Composed only by horizontal and vertical lines, 佛宗」,現藏拉薩羅布林卡,尺寸略小於此,
see a rectangular example, also with its claws Jiudiezhuan or ‘seal script with nine folds’ first 但乏玉印照片,未知鈕式,斷代為清,見歐朝
gripping the edge of the seal, in the Palace appeared in the Tang dynasty and was often used 貴及其美,《西藏歷代藏印》,拉薩,1991
Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Compendium on official seals, especially during the Song and 年,頁93下。九疊篆,唐朝已有,常見於宋
of Collections in the Palace Museum. Jade, vol. Yuan dynasties. 元官印。
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