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Guo Fuxiang

An important characteristic of the Qianlong            made with the phrase Bazheng maonian zhibao            to celebrate my seventieth birthday. All these
Emperor’s seals is that he had multiple seals of       (‘Treasure of the Eighty-year-old Man Mindful of       phrases are to motivate myself”. The phrase
various materials bearing the same inscriptions.       the Eighth Principle’). He elaborated his reasons      Ziqiang buxi as accompaniment to Bazheng
Among them Ziqiang buxi (‘Self-strengthening           in Bazheng maonian zhibao ji: “The various seals I     maonian zhibao expressed Qianlong’s resolution
never ceases’) was one of his favourite seal           ordered made to commemorate the celebrations           to keep his subjects’ well-being in mind and to
inscriptions. At least 45 of his imperial seals bear   of my eightieth birthday and to impress on my          attend to affairs of state diligently. One senses
this phrase, including the current lot. Made of        various writings were all connected to the idea        an anxiety beneath Qianlong’s happiness about
white jade with a coiled dragon on top, this seal is   of Bazheng in the Hongfan chapter. Moreover, I         his eightieth birthday. The phrase Ziqiang buxi
worked with the four characters Ziqiang buxi. The      intend to retire from ruling at eighty-five years,     reflected this anxiety and was a form of self-
seal was originally part of a set of three seals, the  after completing six decades of the Qianlong           admonishment.
other two being respectively a frontispiece seal       reign. Although I am currently eighty years old, I
reading Xiangyong wufu (‘By heaven’s granting          am still six years away from retirement. As long       After deciding on the pairing of the Bazheng
we enjoy the five blessings’) and Bazheng              as I bear the burden of emperorship, I am always       maonian zhibao and Ziqiang buxi seals in 1789,
maonian zhibao (‘Treasure of the Eighty-Year-Old       conscious of my millions of subjects. How can          the Qianlong Emperor began to order their large-
Man Mindful of the Eighth Principle’).                 I not be mindful of the Eighth Principle about         scale production. As many as over 140 seals
                                                       regard for commoners? Regard for commoners             bearing the phrase Bazheng maonian zhibao were
The Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799) carefully             is regard for the millions of subjects. According      produced between the winter of 1789 and 1794
orchestrated the significant events of his life,       to Quli, ‘an eighty-year-old person is called mao’     without interruption.
including his seventieth and eightieth birthdays       because intelligence fades in old age. I have now
in 1780 and 1790, the birth of his great-great-        reached eighty. Due to good fortune bestowed by        The primary seals Bazheng maonian zhibao were
grandson in 1784 and his abdication from the           Heaven, my body remains healthy. Handling ten          combined with various secondary seals. Most
throne to become the Emperor Supreme in 1795,          thousand affairs every day, I do not show signs of     commonly, a Bazheng maonian zhibao seal was
and left a large number of material evidence and       mental deterioration. I must continue to motivate      accompanied by a secondary seal reading Ziqiang
textual documentation of them. As products             myself”. Thus, the Bazheng maonian zhibao seals        buxi and another frontispiece seal, forming a set
of these special moments and reflections of            did not only commemorate his birthday, but also        of three. The three seals had to be identical in
the Emperor’s state of mind, his imperial seals        reminded him not to neglect the well-being of his      material, colour and size, and housed together
deserve our special attention. The present             subjects. The earliest imperial seal bearing this      in the same case. The Qianlong Emperor himself
Ziqiang buxi seal is an artefact of the Qianlong       text dates from the winter of the 1789, and was        likely chose the combination of a Bazheng
Emperor’s eightieth-birthday celebrations.             first used on the spring solstice of the following     maonian zhibao seal, a Ziqiang buxi seal and a
                                                       year.                                                  frontispiece seal reading Xiangyong wufu. In his
The Qianlong Emperor’s eightieth birthday                                                                     preface to Bazheng maonian zhibao lianju, he
coincided with the fifty-fifth year of his reign.      Bazheng maonian zhibao was a primary seal              specified that the secondary seal read Ziqiang
He regarded this as a highly auspicious event          in the set, which also included a secondary            buxi and that the frontispiece seal read Xiangyong
and a sign of heavenly blessing, one requiring         seal reading Ziqiang buxi. The latter phrase is        wufu. The latter phrase was excerpted from
a major celebration. A year beforehand, on the         excerpted from the section on the Qian trigram in      the ninth principle in the Hongfan chapter, “For
Mid-Autumn Festival in 1789, he had already            the Zhouyi/ Book of Changes, another Confucian         enjoyment use the Five Fortunes; for authority
begun planning the festivities, including the          classic: “As Heaven’s movement is ever vigorous,       use the Six Extremes.”Reflecting the Emperor’s
consideration of what tribute he would receive         so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive to              joy and self-admonishment at the same time,
from the various provinces and vassal states,          strengthen himself”. Why did the Qianlong              over a dozen such sets of three seals was
in addition to the venue and scale of their            Emperor select Ziqiang buxi to accompany               produced between the winter of 1789 and early
presentation. The manufacture of seals was an          Bazheng maonian zhibao? According to his own           1794. The Ziqiang buxi seal currently on offer
indispensable part of these festivities.               explanation, “I have always impressed my own           belonged to one of these sets of three seals.
                                                       writings with Ziqiang buxi. During the gengzi
The Qianlong Emperor focussed his attention            year, I had made a primary seal reading Guxi           The records of the workshops of the Imperial
on the important Confucian classic Shangshu            tianzi zhibao and an accompanying secondary            Household Department help us date the creation
[The Most Venerable Books). According to the           seal reading Youri zizi (‘Still diligent every day’).  of this seal precisely. On the tenth day of the
Hongfan (The Great Plan) chapter of Shangshu,          To commemorate my impending eightieth                  tenth month of the fifty-fourth year of the
after King Wu conquered the Shang, he sought           birthday, I have commissioned a seal reading           Qianlong reign (1789), “the eunuch Eluli conveyed
Qizi’s instruction on the ‘Way of Heaven’.             Bazheng maonian zhibao and an accompanying             the following imperial decree: Qixianggong
Qizi responded with the nine principles of             secondary seal reading Ziqiang buxi. Although          (‘Palace of Auspicious Sign’) is tasked with
emperorship, which the Qianlong Emperor                there are many self-motivational phrases in the        selecting two sets of white jade seals, each set
believed to be “the origin of the imperial             classics, none is more important than this one         containing two seals and one frontispiece seal. So
system that persisted throughout the ages…             connected to the first trigram of the Book of          it was decreed. A piece of shanliao jade weighing
All connected to the single body and heart             Changes”. “After having the Bazheng maonian            10 jin was procured, and was divided into two sets
of the ruler”. The eighth principle, Nianyong          zhibao seal made, I had a Ziqiang buxi seal made       of seals. A drawing on paper of Song dynasty-
shuzheng (‘Think as do the common people’),            to accompany it. This was similar to the pairing of    style dragon seals was made and handed for
was consistent with the Qianlong Emperor’s own         the Guxi tianzi zhibao and Youri zizi seals created    inspection to the eunuch Eluli, who received the
populist ideology. He therefore ordered seals                                                                 decree that the seals be made according to it: a

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