Page 142 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 142


Guo Fuxiang

The Qianlong period (1736–1795) of the Qing         commemorate his coming eightieth birthday in           1789, the Qianlong Emperor began preparations
dynasty is widely recognised as a prosperous        1790, he made the seal Bazheng maonian zhi bao,        for a great celebration, including those for the
age. As a result of developments during the         to be offered at auction by Sotheby’s Hong Kong.       palace where he would receive congratulations,
Kangxi (1662–1722) and Yongzheng (1723–1735)                                                               the scale of the celebrations, and the return gifts
periods, Chinese society, economy, and culture      The seal, made of jade, has a knop of intertwined      to provinces and vassal states presenting tribute.
achieved unprecedented prosperity during the        dragons. The seal face is worked with six raised       And creating a seal appropriate to the occasion
Qianlong period. Along with these developments,     characters, Bazheng maonian zhi bao, and is 6.4        was an important part of these preparations.
the production of works of art achieved a           centimeters square. There is a clear record of
high standard and in many ways displayed            this seal in Qianlong Baosou (Qianlong Treasures:      Actually, in making a seal to commemorate a
an atmosphere of grace associated with this         A Catalogue of Impressions of the Qianlong             milestone birthday, there was a precedent that
age of peace and prosperity. Seal making, in        Emperor’s Seals). Compared with what we find           the Qianlong Emperor could follow. In 1720 the
particular, developed features peculiar to the      in the Qianlong Baosou, the seal matches in all        Kangxi Emperor, approaching his sixtieth year
age, namely, a tendency to record important         particulars, including the seal material, size, style  on the throne and his seventieth birthday, had
events and note successes. The Qianlong             of the seal script, or the layout of the characters.   the idea of creating a multipurpose seal, and he
Emperor, during his life, experienced many          We can thus be certain that this seal is indeed        ordered his more literate Inner Court scholar-
personally significant historical milestones, such  a genuine legacy of the Qianlong period. Here I        officials (graduates of the Hanlin Academy) to
as his seventieth birthday in 1780, the birth of    will briefly discuss the historical background that    compose an appropriate phrase, but since none
a great-great-grandson in 1784, his eightieth       enables the reader to better appreciate the value      of their phrases were to his liking, he himself
birthday in 1790, and his retirement from the       and significance of the seal.                          came up with the phrase Jie zhi zai de ([In old
throne in 1795. For each of these milestones,                                                              age] beware of complacency; a quote from the
the Qianlong Emperor seems invariably to            The year 1790 was an important year for the            Analects) and had several small seals carved.1 In
have made meticulous arrangements, and              Qianlong Emperor. This year was not only the           1780 the Qianlong Emperor, for his seventieth
he left behind many documents and artifacts         fifty-fifth year of his reign, but also the year       birthday, followed the Kangxi Emperor’s practice
for later generations to investigate. Among         of his eightieth birthday. According to the            and had two seals carved with the phrases Guxi
these documents and artifacts, the Qianlong         Emperor’s own practice, every fifth birthday           tianzi zhi bao (Seal of the seventy-year-old
Emperor’s seals are, without doubt, worthy of       was a milestone year and was the occasion for          Emperor; an allusion to a poem by Du Fu [712–
great attention. Qianlong’s personal moments        a great celebration. In the Emperor’s mind, the        770]) and You ri zizi (Ever diligent day by day),
serve as the background story to many of these      auspicious circumstance of the fifty-fifth year        thereby commemorating his seventieth birthday
seals, and seek to give concrete expression to      of his reign, corresponding to the year of his         and at the same time expressing the thought that
his circumstances and emotions at the time. To      eightieth birthday, called for an especially grand     he dare not be lax in governing. Then, ten years
                                                    celebration. Hence, early on, in mid-autumn of         later, it was inevitable that the Qianlong Emperor

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