Page 145 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 145

fig. 1

Mi Fu, Calligraphy in Running Script. Poetry on the Occasion of Visiting Zhongyue Temple, detail, scroll, Northern Song dynasty
© Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing

fig. 2

Calligraphy in Regular Script. A Record of Past and Present Translated Scriptures , detail, Tang dynasty
© Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing

Having attained a full eighty years of age, I had   continued to make Concern over phenomenon             seal of the Wufuwudai Hall), Bazheng maonian
a seal engraved with the inscription ‘Concern       at eighty seals from 1789 to 1795. According to       zhi bao (Treasure of concern over phenomenon
over phenomenon at eighty.’ It was finished in      the Qianlong Bao sou, the number of imperial          at eighty), and Taishang huangdi (The Emperor
the middle of winter, and I used it during the      seals with the inscription of Treasure of concern     Emeritus) (fig. 1). Also, the end border strip of
festival marking the beginning of spring.4 Last     over phenomenon at eighty or Concern over             the anonymous Tang calligraphy Gujin yijing
year in the month of the summer solstice, since     phenomenon at eighty reached sixty-three, one of      tuji (Illustrated Record of Old and Recently
I attained my eighth decade, I thought of making    which is the present seal.                            Translated Scriptures, regular script) has
a seal. For an inscription, the most suitable was                                                         imprints of the seals Wufu wudai tang, Bazheng
‘Concern over various phenomenon,’ number 8,        The finial of this seal is quite finely worked.       maonian zhi bao, and Taishang huangdi zhi bao
in the ‘Great Plan’ chapter. I commanded that the   Though not large, the finial of intertwined           (Seal of the Emperor Emeritus) (fig. 2). In both
artisans use green jade from Hetian and engrave     dragons, worked in exacting detail, expresses         cases, the Bazheng maonian zhi bao imprint is
‘concern over phenomenon at eighty’ Since I         the demeanor and charm sought by the Qianlong         that of the present seal.
look to Heaven for protection, am as healthy as     Emperor in jade carvings. In particular, the
in the past, am diligent in government, and love    horns of the heads and crests of the backs of         Notes
the people, I dare not pass a single day without    the dragons are set in the jade’s natural red
exhorting myself to do better.5                     layer to form a strong contrast with the rest         1 Midian zhulin [Palace Treasures], Qing Inner Court
                                                    of the dragons’ bodies. The carving displays a         manuscript, vol. 1.
From these quotes we can thus determine that        true stroke of genius. After this seal was made,
this seal was carved as early as the winter of      the Qianlong Emperor often imprinted it on old        2 Qing Gaozong yuzhi wen sanji [Text of the Qianlong Emperor,
1789, that it was made from Khotan jade, and that   palace works of calligraphy and painting to show       Collection 3], vol. 14.
it came to use by the beginning of spring in 1790.  his appreciation. For example, the head border
                                                    strip of Bai Zhongyue ming zuo (Poetry on the         3 Ibid., vol. 8.
After the Qianlong Emperor settled on this          Occasion of Visiting Zhongyue Temple, cursive         4 Qing Gaozong yuzhi shi wuji [Poetry of the Qianlong Emperor,
inscription in 1789, he began to make a             calligraphy), by Mi Fu (1051–1107), housed in
considerable number of such seals. According        the Beijing Palace Museum, bears imprints of           Collection 5], vol. 50.
to records of the archive of the workshop of the    the seals Wufu wudai tang (Five happinesses           5 Ibid., vol. 51.
Imperial Household Department, the Emperor          and five generations under one roof, the palace

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