Page 154 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 154

The Jiaqing ‘Hui Qi You Ji’ Seal

Guo Fuxiang

Sotheby’s Hong Kong has recently acquired a          the throne, he could not exercise authority, since   perceptions as China transitioned from prosperity
seal of the Jiaqing Emperor (r. 1796-1820) that      the Qianlong Emperor Emeritus still retained         to decline. As I already mentioned, the Hui qi you
will be sold at auction. This imperial seal has      the final authority to make decisions. These         ji seal is one part of a palace-building seal set of
a body of green jade and a finial of a dragon in     peculiar circumstances made it difficult for the     three, and such sets of seals have inscriptions
the clouds. Its base is 5.4 centimeters square       Jiaqing Emperor to break away from traditions        that are intimately related. The inscriptions of
and it has a four-character inscription: Hui qi      established during the reign of the Qianlong         the two back seals express the seal owner’s
you ji (‘Maintain one’s standards’). The carving     emperor. All aspects of the Qianlong period          understanding and gives explanation to the
of both the finial and the inscription are fine,     (1736-95) were carried forward into the Jiaqing      palace-building name. Hence I think that to
skillful and well executed—an indication of the      period. This inertia also found faithful expression  understand any one of the seals of a set, it is
carver’s superior artistry. There is a clear record  in the seals made by the Jiaqing Emperor. One        necessary to explain all three seals as a group.
of this seal in the Jiaqing Baosou (Collection       example is the seal sets made by this Emperor.       Accordingly, to understand the seal Hui qi you ji,
of Jiaqing Seals), presently held by the Beijing     During his reign, the Qianlong Emperor made a        we have to consider it together with the Xianfu
Palace Museum. A comparison of the seal with         considerable number of seal sets consisting of       gong seal and the seal Xu yi shou ren in the
the description shows that this seal matches         one seal for the front of a work and two seals for   context of the historical circumstances of the
the description in material of composition, size,    the back of a work. Such seal sets can be divided    Jiaqing Emperor, the seal’s owner.
and style and layout of the seal characters. We      into two types. One type of seal set consists of a
can thus affirm that this seal is the authentic      front seal with the name of a palace building and    Though the seal set including the seal Hui qi you
Jiaqing imperial seal described in the catalogue.    of two back seals with a memorable or suggestive     ji was made for the Xianfu Palace, we also have
According to the Jiaqing Baosou, this seal was       phrase giving the significance and origin of the     to consider how the seal’s owner, the Jiaqing
one of a set of three, the other two seals being     building name on the front seal. This type of set    Emperor, was connected with the Xianfu Palace.
Xianfu Gong (‘Xianfu Palace’) and Xu yi shou ren     can be called a palace-building seal set. In the     For background information, the Xianfu Palace
(‘Encounter others with an open mind’). This         other type of seal set, the front seal and both      is in the western group of six palace buildings
shows that these three seals were made with the      back seals feature fixed phrases that elaborate      in the Forbidden City. It was formerly named
intention of placing them in the Xianfu Palace       on each other. This type of set can be called a      the Shouan Palace. During the Jiajing period
(fig. 1).                                            fixed-phrase seal set. Like the Qianlong Emperor     (1522-66) of the Ming dynasty, it was renamed
                                                     before him, the Jiaqing Emperor made more than       the Xianfu Palace. The name comes from the
The owner of this seal, the Jiaqing Emperor          seventy sets of seals.1 And the set to which the     happiness (fu) resulting from the mixing of Yin
named Yong Yan, was the fifth Qing emperor           seal Hui qi you ji belongs is of the former type of  and Yang of the xian hexagram from the I-Ching
after the Qing conquered China. His twenty-          set. In the making of seals, the Jiaqing Emperor     of Changes [Book of Changes]. The building itself
five-year reign followed the prosperity of the       thus seems to be following in the tracks of the      has a roof of yellow-glazed tiles and is taller than
early Qing dynasty, yet served as an important       Qianlong Emperor by imitating him. He was            the other buildings in the western group of six
turning point toward China’s later decline.          unfortunately led to do this by his special social   palace buildings. It served not only as a residence
Hence, circumstances in many areas of Chinese        and familial circumstances, mentioned above.         for empresses and consorts, but also on occasion
life present a complicated picture. Among                                                                 as a place for the emperor to sleep. When the
the emperors of the Qing dynasty, the Jiaqing        If, as stated above, the Jiaqing Emperor imitated    Qianlong Emperor Emeritus passed away in
Emperor had relatively many seals. And like the      the Qianlong Emperor in the making of seals in a     the lunar first month of 1799, his successor to
age in which he lived, his seals were a mixture of   way that reflects how the Jiaqing court continued    the throne, the Jiaqing Emperor, first used the
zenith and decline. As is well known, the Jiaqing    Qianlong traditions, then an explanation of          Prince’s Study (Shang Shufang) as his humble
Emperor was 36 when he ascended the throne,          the meaning of this seal can tell us something       abode to show respect for his father. After twenty
but unlike other emperors, after he ascended         about the Jiaqing Emperor’s own thoughts and         days, he moved to the Xianfu Palace to continue

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