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mourning his father. From then on, for the rest of his period Xu yi shou ren (‘Encounter others with an open mind’), this
of mourning, he used the Xianfu Palace as his interim sleeping comes from the explanation of the xian hexagram in the Book
quarters. During his ten months of residence at the Xianfu of Changes: “The gentleman encounters others with an open
Palace, the Jiaqing Emperor conducted government business mind.” The Jiaqing Emperor was perhaps also familiar with
and met court officials there. One can thus say that the Jiaqing the passage in Zizhi tongjian [Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in
Emperor’s personal control of the reins of government began Government] where Emperor Taizong of the Tang dynasty and
at the Xianfu Palace. Here he no doubt thought about how to Wei Zheng discuss the behavior of Emperor Yang of the Sui
govern as emperor, and how to consolidate imperial power. dynasty: In 628 A.D. “the emperor said to the official attending
For this reason, he wrote the following antithetical couplet: “In him, ‘I see that Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty accumulated
one day, a myriad opportunities, and each happy result has an meritorious achievements, that his writing was profound
effect. Blessings bestowed among the commoners reap virtue and erudite, and that he realized he should approve of Yao
without limit”.2 This antithetical couplet not only contains the and Shun and disapprove of Jie and Zhou. Yet in conducting
characters of the name of the Xianfu Palace (‘each’ = xian; affairs, how he violated the norms!’ Wei Zheng replied, ‘If a
‘blessings’ = fu) but also expresses what the Jiaqing Emperor ruler, though he is wise, still encounters others with an open
thought to be the ideal necessary qualities for carrying out mind, the clever offer their schemes, and the brave exhaust
affairs of state and exercising imperial power, namely, the their energy. Emperor Yang relied on their talent, but was too
moral cultivation and qualities that the Emperor himself should proud and conceited. Hence, he recited the words of Yao and
possess. If we consider this antithetical couplet together with Shun, but he followed Jie and Zhou in behavior. He never knew
the two back seals of the present set—Hui qi you ji and Xu yi that this would lead to his downfall.’ The emperor said, ‘These
shou ren—we can see that these seals reveal how the Jiaqing events are not long past. I will learn from them.’” 3 From these
Emperor thought that he should govern the empire. source materials, we can see that the inscriptions of these two
back seals are both about how to rule. The hui of Hui qi you ji
The phrase Hui qi you ji (‘Maintain one’s standards’) comes literally means to gather, and ji means rule or standard. Hence,
from the Hongfan (‘Grand Standards’) chapter of the Shangshu hui qi you ji means to gather the norms of the empire into one’s
(‘Classic of History’, sixth century BCE), in which King Wu of person, or more idiomatically, to maintain one’s standards. In
Zhou, after he vanquished the Shang dynasty in 1046 BCE, this way, the ruler makes the commoners of the empire follow
asked Jizi about the justice of the Way of Heaven. Jizi then him, follow his example, and by logical extension, he becomes
explained to him the Grand Standards in Nine Categories, a model for the nation. As for Xu yi shou ren (‘Encounter
that is, the nine important standards for governing. Jizi’s others with an open mind’), the meaning here is that no matter
Grand Standards in Nine Categories was later elevated as a how wise the emperor, he cannot view himself too highly and
paradigm for governing for rulers across the centuries and be too stubborn. Rather, he should treat those under him
has been revered by rulers throughout the ages. The fifth of with courtesy and respect, should deal with others with an
Jizi’s nine standards was “Establishing imperial standards.” open mind, and should listen to the opinions of officials and
Jizi’s elaboration includes the following: “Without partiality commoners without harbouring preconceptions. Here we can
or favouritism, follow kingly righteousness. Without personal see the Jiaqing Emperor, as supreme ruler, placing demands
likes, follow the kingly way. Without personal dislikes, follow on himself, namely, to listen to officials’ and commoners’ views
the kingly path. Lacking partiality and factionalism, the kingly with an open mind, to improve himself morally, and to make
way is spacious to accommodate all. Lacking factionalism and himself a standard for the nation to follow.
partiality, the kingly way is equitable. Lacking rebelliousness,
the kingly way is upright. Maintain one’s standards as to make When we browse through the Jiaqing Emperor’s writings and
others follow the one who exemplifies the norms.” As for inspect his behavior, we find that the import of the inscriptions
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