Page 209 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 209

The present bowl displays the characteristics          本品乃定窰精品。定瓷胎質細膩白哲,坯胎上
attributed to the finest Ding wares. Celebrated        毋須施化妝土,故釉面柔潤,色呈牙白,聚處
for their thin potting, fine near-white body which     若淚痕而色略深。明清收藏家評鑑宋代五大名
did not require an application of slip and an          窰,定窰為其一。此盌胎體輕薄,釉色均潤。
ivory-coloured glaze which tends to run down           定瓷劃花一貫以自然流麗著稱,然而本品瓷匠
in somewhat darker ‘tears’, Ding wares were            技藝似更嫻熟,線條靈動酣暢,紋飾寫實自
ranked among the ‘five great wares’ of the Song,       然,匠意獨具。
a term coined by collectors of the Ming and Qing
dynasties. The high quality of this bowl is evident    清宮舊藏一件近例,盌徑稍大,金屬釦口,
in its feather-light weight body which has been        現存北京,刊於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全
expertly evenly glazed. Ding designs generally         集.兩宋瓷器(上)》,香港,1996年,圖
display a high level of naturalness and fluidity,      版52。台北故宮博物院藏一例,錄於《故宮
however, the maker of this bowl appears to have        藏瓷.定窰》,台北,1973年,圖版41。靜
been particularly skilled at rendering his lines in a  觀堂另藏一例,展於《文物粹珍一徐氏藝術
spontaneous manner, creating a decoration that         基金藏陶瓷青銅器選》,皇后坊博物館,新
is precise yet particularly free in execution.         加坡,1992年,編號46,其後售於香港佳士
Closely related examples include a slightly larger     約佳士得1997年9月18日,編號144。再參考
bowl with a metal-bound rim, from the Qing             一例,先後售於香港蘇富比2005年5月2日,
court collection and still in Beijing, published       編號588及倫敦蘇富比2012年5月16日,編
in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the         號88。
Palace Museum. Porcelain of the Song Dynasty
(I), Hong Kong, 1996, pl. 52; one in the National
Palace Museum, Taipei, included in the Illustrated
Catalogue of Sung Dynasty Porcelain in the
National Palace Museum. Ting Ware and Ting-
type Ware, Taipei, 1973, pl. 41; another, from the
Jingguantang collection, included in the exhibition
Gems of Chinese Art. Selections of Ceramics
and Bronzes from the Tsui Art Foundation, The
Empress Palace Museum, Singapore, 1992,
cat. no. 46, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd
November 1996, lot 535, and again at Christie’s
New York, 18th September 1997, lot 144; and a
further bowl sold in these rooms, 2nd May 2005,
lot 588, and again in our London rooms, 16th May
2012, lot 88.

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