Page 213 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 213

Exquisitely potted and glazed overall in an attractive luminous      本瓶造型精美,青釉發色淡雅,潤澤油亮,可謂南宋龍泉
light green glaze, this vase represents one of the masterpieces      窰中臻品。其輪廓鮮明秀麗,圓腹飽滿,長頸纖瘦,符合
of the Longquan kilns produced during the Southern Song              當時盛行審美觀。宋代初期經歷政治變更,由傳統世襲貴
period. Its elegant silhouette, with a tall slender neck and         族統治制度轉為中央集權官僚統治政策,官僚受高等教
compressed globular body displays the aesthetic that                 育,對同期藝術發展影響深遠。再者,新儒家思想興起,
prevailed at its time. The drastic political shift during the early  復古風氣漸濃,宋代瓷匠常以高古玉器銅器作靈感創思來
Song dynasty from a society ruled by hereditary aristocracy          源。本品為當中佼佼者之一,其器身罩施一層青釉,肥厚
to one governed by a central bureaucracy of highly educated          瑩潤,猶如貴玉。造型樸實,可上溯漢代銅器,見一銅
scholar-officials had a major impact on the arts of the period.      例,鑄弦紋,寶蓄紐約大都會博物館,編號2007.133,載
Furthermore, the resulting rise of Neo-Confucian ideals led          於該館網站。如斯上品,以杭州官窰為範,推斷龍泉窰臻
to an increased interest in antiquities and a revival of archaic     品可能曾用作貢器。
jade and bronze forms that Song potters adapted into their
repertoire. This vase is a fine example of this trend as the         東京根津美術館藏有一例,曾展於《宋磁》,大阪市立東
thinly potted body is covered in a thick glaze reminiscent of        洋陶瓷美術館,大阪, 1999年,編號70;另有一例出自
luminous jade while its unassuming form finds its origins in         大維德爵士收藏,現藏倫敦大英博物館,載於 Basil Gray
bronze vases of the Han dynasty, such as an example cast             ,《 Sung Porcelain & Stoneware 》,倫敦,1984年,
with raised ribs, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,       圖版137;尚有一例,頸部較纖瘦,寶蓄北京故宮博物院
illustrated in the Museum’s website, accession no. 2007.133.         收藏,圖刊於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集.兩宋瓷器(
Such superb examples follow the fabled guan (official) wares         下)》,香港,1996年,圖版103;另有一較小瓶例,兩
made in Hangzhou, suggesting that the finest Longquan pieces         度售於紐約蘇富比,分別為2006年3月30日,編號27及
may have been produced as tribute wares.                             2011年3月23日,編號547。

A closely related vase in the Nezu Institute of Fine Arts,           龍泉窰址曾發掘一相類瓶例,載於《龍泉青瓷研究》,北
Tokyo, was included in the exhibition Song Ceramics, The             京,1989年,圖版41,圖1;1323年在前往日本途中,於
Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, 1999, cat. no. 70; one           韓國新安區域下沉的新安沉船亦曾打撈一例,圖見
from the collection of Sir Percival David, now in the British        《 Relics Salvaged from the Seabed off Sinan. Materials I 》,
Museum, London, is published in Basil Gray, Sung Porcelain           首爾,1985年,圖版1;另有一例出自四川遂寧,著錄於
& Stoneware, London, 1984, pl. 137; another modelled with a          《龍泉窰青瓷》,台北,1998年,圖版114。
more slender neck, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated
in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (II), Hong Kong, 1996, pl. 103;
and a smaller example was sold twice in our New York rooms,
30th March 2006, lot 27, and 23rd March 2011, lot 547.

See also a similar vase excavated at the kiln site in the
Longquan area, published in Longquan qingci yanjiu [Research
on Longquan celadon], Beijing, 1989, pl. 41, fig. 1; another
found among the cargo of the Sinan shipwreck, which sank
off the Sinan coast of Korea in 1323 on its journey to Japan,
illustrated in Relics Salvaged from the Seabed off Sinan,
materials 1, Seoul, 1985, pl. 1; and a further vase, recovered
in Suining, Sichuan province, published in Celadons from
Longquan, Taipei, 1998, pl. 114.

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