Page 308 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 308


A RARE LARGE GOLD AND                                 明十六至十七世紀 漆金釋迦牟尼佛坐像
SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA                                     來源:
MING DYNASTY, 16TH – 17TH                             巴黎佳士得2007年6月13日,編號114

skilfully modelled and depicted seated in
vajraparyankasana on a hemispherical base
modelled around the sides with borders of lotus
petals, the deity rendered dressed in loose robes
falling in folds near the feet, the bare chest
centred with a wan symbol, further portrayed
with a meditative expression below thin arched
brows and an urna, all below hair arranged in
small pointed whorls and an ushnisha, the figure
coated overall save for the hair with gilt-lacquer
72 cm, 28⅜ in.

Christie’s Paris, 13th June 2007, lot 114.

HK$ 400,000-600,000

US$ 51,500-77,000

It is rare to find a lacquered wood figure of
Shakyamuni Buddha of this large size, preserved
with its original lotus petal base. The technique
of coating carved wooden figures with gilt-
lacquer appears to have emerged in the early
Ming dynasty and continued into the late Ming
when this figure was made. Such lacquered wood
figures imitate gilt-bronze figures. A highly-valued
material, but significantly less expensive than
bronze, such lacquer sculptures would have been
commissioned and donated to temples by the
gentry. See a related figure sold at Christie’s New
York, 22nd September 1987, lot 351; and a figure
sold in our London rooms, 17th November 1999,
lot 711.

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