Page 314 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 314


A SMALL GILT-BRONZE FIGURE OF                        明永樂 鎏金銅隨身藥師佛坐像
BHAISHAJYAGURU                                                 《大明永樂年施》款
finely cast and depicted seated in                   蓮花臺,手持缽盛訶梨勒果,鎏金厚重,鑄工
vajraparyankasana on a double-lotus pedestal         精巧,輪廓、軀體、佛袍及蓮座刻劃細緻,尺
with beaded edges, the deity rendered holding        寸小巧,方便隨身攜帶。
in his left hand a bowl filled with myrobalan fruit
and clad in a pleated robe draped over the left      比較一例,明永樂鎏金銅藥師佛坐像,造形相
shoulder and cascading in voluminous folds           同,惟尺寸遠較本品為大(27.7公分),售於
near the feet, further depicted with a serene        紐約佳士得2014年3月20日,編號1624。
meditative expression below thin arched brows
and an urna, surmounted by hair arranged in          另比較一鎏金銅例,佛呈靜思之狀,尺寸相
rows of small whorls and a bud-shaped ushnisha,      同,也帶永樂年款,圖載於 Robert Bigler,
flanked by a pair of pendulous earlobes pierced      《Art and Faith at the Crossroads》,蘇黎
with vertical slots, the front of the lotus base     世,2013年,編號28。
incised with a six-character reign mark, the base
sealed with a plate and incised with a double-vajra
11.8 cm, 4⅝ in.

HK$ 800,000-1,200,000
US$ 103,000-154,000

The iconography of this rare small bronze
sculpture, depicted seated in dhyanasana on
a double lotus base, holding a bowl filled with
myrobalan fruit represents the Medicine Buddha
(Bhaishajyaguru). Richly gilded and skilfully cast
with sensitive rendition of the facial features,
body, loose robes and crisp lotus base, it is of an
unusually small size.

A much larger (27.7cm) Yongle reign-marked
gilt-bronze figure of Bhaishajyaguru of identical
iconography was sold at Christie’s New York,
20th March 2014, lot 1624. For another Yongle
reign-marked figure of the same small size, see
a gilt-bronze figure of the Buddha in meditation,
illustrated in Robert Bigler, Art and Faith at the
Crossroads, Zurich, 2013, cat. no. 28.

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