Page 367 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 367
A TIANHUANG ‘MYTHICAL BEAST’ This charming seal is notable for the fine level
SEAL of detail captured in the small mythical beast.
QING DYNASTY The vigour of the creature is evident in the
muscular body and notched spine together with
of square section, the warm yellowish-orange the animated face which scowls in ferocity. A
soapstone skilfully carved with a mythical beast related seal, in the National Palace Museum,
resting on its haunches with the head turned Taipei, is published in Masterpieces of Chinese
towards its left, depicted with a gaping mouth Writing Materials in the National Palace Museum,
and bulging eyes beneath its horn and bushy Taipei, 1971, pl. 50 right, where it is noted that the
eyebrows, the muscular body detailed with a stone came from the Shoushan area in Fuzhou
central crenulated spine, one side of the seal province; another, from the collection of Dr Ip Yee
incised with an apocryphal yuxuan mark, the seal was sold in these rooms, 19th November 1984, lot
face carved with a four-character inscription 84; and a third, but with the creature looking to
5.1 cm, 2 in. his right, was sold in these rooms, 19th May 1982,
55.4 gr. lot 400.
HK$ 700,000-800,000
US$ 89,500-103,000
清 田黃雕瑞獸鈕印
Seal face 印文