Page 368 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 368


A RARE WHITE AND GREY                               清康熙 灰白玉巧雕盤龍鈕方章
‘DRAGON’ JADE SEAL                                             印文:入道化成
of square section, the variegated white and         傳法國波爾多私人收藏
grey stone with the upper grey section skilfully
rendered in openwork to depict a coiling dragon,
the seal face carved with a four-character
inscription reading ru Dao hua cheng
5.9 by 3.7 by 3.7 cm, 2¼ by 1⅜ by 1⅜ in.

A French private collection, Bordeaux, by repute.

HK$ 200,000-300,000
US$ 25,600-38,400

This seal is noteworthy for the intricately carved
details and sinuous body of the dragon that has
been captured in openwork on a small scale.
Furthermore, the carver has managed to skilfully
compose the piece within the pebble to utilise its
different tones and thus enhance the creature’s
sense of vitality. Compare three white jade
seals carved with related dragons, attributed
to the Qianlong period, sold at Christie’s New
York, 1st June 1990, lot 344; and another from
the collection of Charlotte Horstmann, sold at
Christie’s Hong Kong, 13th January 1987, lot 229.

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