Page 376 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 376
Skilfully executed to create an intricate and way light is reflected through them. The most
detailed scene of numerous species of birds expensive and highest quality works traditionally
in a garden, elegant panels of inlaid precious used feathers imported from Cambodia and it is
materials were popular at the imperial court said that Chinese imperial demand for kingfisher
where they were hung in private rooms. The feathers may have contributed to the wealth of
creation of this panel required several craftsmen the Khmer empire.
proficient in various materials to collaborate,
which reveals the close working relationship of A panel similarly inlaid with various hardstones
the different workshops. Each precious material to depict birds is illustrated in situ in the
has been skilfully worked to form a vital piece of Zhonghuagong (Palace of Double Brilliance)
the overall design, from the carved hardstones in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
and coral to the luxurious kingfisher feathers, Palace Museum. Furniture of the Ming and Qing
which particularly enhances the luxurious nature Dynasties (II), Hong Kong, 2002, pl. 259, together
of the panel. with a lacquered example from the Cuiyunguan
(Hall of Green Cloud), pl. 262; another was sold
Known as diancui, meaning ‘dotting the at Christie’s London, 11th September 2006, lot
kingfisher’, the technique of incorporating 73; and a vertical example was sold at Christie’s
kingfisher feathers in the decoration involved New York, 15th September 2009, lot 288.
cutting each feather into the required shape,
before attaching it with glue onto the surface.
The intense blue colour of the feathers comes
not from pigments in the feather itself, but in the
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