Page 378 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 378
AN INSCRIBED BAMBOO 清十八世紀 鄧渭作竹雕蘭亭雅聚筆筒
18TH CENTURY 竹刻名家鄧孚嘉之子鄧渭,號雲樵,嘉定人,
of cylindrical form, one side deftly worked in 據《竹人錄》,其行草得古人羊欣(370-442
relief with a scene depicting the gathering at the 年)法度。
Orchid Pavilion, with three scholars and their
respective attendants standing by the shore 參考密蘇里州堪薩斯城納爾遜.阿特金斯藝
beside a riverside landscape, overlooking eight 術博物館藏鄧渭雕竹白菜圖刻銘筆筒,見葉
further scholars gathered at a pavilion sheltered 義及譚志成,《中國竹刻藝術》,上冊,香
amongst overhanging pine and willow trees, in 港,1978年,彩圖版22。
a distance six scholars appreciating music in a
bamboo grove and another three engaged in a 鄧渭所作,拍賣也偶見有例,如竹刻蘇軾
conversation, all framed by overhanging rocky 〈放鶴亭〉筆筒,售於香港蘇富比2004年4
mountains, the reverse inscribed with the Lanting 月25日,編號6。另有一鄧渭款竹雕赤壁賦
Xu (‘Preface to the Collected Verses from the 筆筒,售於紐約佳士得2007年9月19日,編
Orchid Pavilion’) and signed Yunqiao 號33。
14.3 cm, 5⅝ in.
HK$ 300,000-400,000
US$ 38,400-51,500
Deng Wei, hao Yunqiao, a native of Jiading, was
the son of the renowned bamboo carver Deng
Fujia. Active during the Qianlong period, Deng
was an established bamboo carver in his own
right and was particularly famous for his seals
and brushpots. According to Zhuren lu [Record
of bamboo carvers], his running-cursive script
(xingcao) was reminiscent of the style of Yang Xin
An inscribed brushpot by Deng Wei in the Nelson-
Atkins Museum, Kansas City, is illustrated in Ip
Yee and Laurence C.S. Tam, Chinese Bamboo
Carving, part 1, Hong Kong, 1978, colour pl. 22.
For examples at auction, see a bamboo brushpot
by Deng Wei inscribed with an essay by Su Shi,
sold in these rooms, 25th April 2004, lot 6,
and an inscribed bamboo ‘Ode to the Red Cliff’
brushpot signed Deng Wei, sold at Christie’s New
York, 19th September 2007, lot 33.
376 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比