Page 402 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 402


A RARE IMPERIAL GREEN                                  Striking for its brilliant emerald green colour,    included in the exhibition Elegance and Radiance.
OCTAGONAL GLASS BOTTLE VASE                            vases of this attractive faceted shape and with     Grandeur in Qing Glass. The Andrew K.F. Lee
WHEEL CUT MARK AND PERIOD OF                           Qianlong marks within a square were probably        Collection, Art Museum, The Chinese University
QIANLONG                                               made in the first twenty years of the Qianlong      of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, cat. no. 21, together
                                                       reign, when production of glass wares at the        with four further vases of various colours, cat.
of octagonal pear-shaped form, the compressed          imperial court reached a peak in both quality       nos 17-21; and a pair of unpublished vases is in
spherical body supported on a straight foot,           and quantity. According to archival records, two    the Musée Guimet, Paris.
elegantly curving to the tall, slightly tapered neck,  glass workshops coexisted in the eighteenth
the glass of an even translucent emerald-green         century; the first, known as the bolichang (glass   Vases of this form and size but of difference
tone, the recessed base with a four-character          factory), located at Canchikou in Beijing, had      colours include a turquoise example, in the
wheel cut reign mark within a square                   been established in the 35th year of the Kangxi     Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Zhang
14.7 cm, 5¾ in.                                        Emperor’s reign (equivalent to 1696), while the     Rong, Luster of Autumn Water. Glass of the Qing
                                                       second was established during the Yongzheng         Imperial Workshop, Beijing, 2004, pl. 22; a yellow
PROVENANCE                                             reign and located within Yuanmingyuan. Both         version, from the collection of Rudolph Scaeffer,
Bonhams Hong Kong, 28th May 2010, lot 205.             production centres enjoyed strong imperial          in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco,
                                                       patronage which greatly increased the status        included in the exhibition Clear As Crystal, Red
HK$ 400,000-600,000                                    of this material, although the latter is believed   as Flame, China House Gallery, New York, 1990,
US$ 51,500-77,000                                      to have created the finest vessels (see Peter       cat. no. 39; and a realgar glass vase, from the
                                                       Y.K. Lam, ‘The Glasshouse of the Qing Imperial      collection of Walter and Phyllis Shorenstein,
清乾隆 御製綠料八方長頸瓶                                          Household Department’, Elegance and Radiance.       exhibited in A Chorus of Colours. Chinese Glass
          《乾隆年製》款                                      Grandeur in Qing Glass. The Andrew K.F. Lee         from Three American Collections, Asian Art
                                                       Collection, Art Museum, The Chinese University      Museum of San Francisco, San Francisco, 1995,
來源:                                                    of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2000, p. 49).              cat. no. 52, and sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st
香港邦瀚斯2010年5月28日,編號205                                                                                      December 2010, lot 2952.
                                                       Translucent green vases of this type are rare; one
                                                       was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 3rd November      The elegant form of this vase first appeared in the
                                                       1998, lot 1073; a slightly taller example was       Yongzheng reign; a blue vase of this form with
                                                       included in the exhibition Early Chinese Glass,     Yongzheng mark and of the period is illustrated
                                                       Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong          in Zhang Rong, op. cit., pl. 6; and another was
                                                       Kong, Hong Kong, 2001, cat. no. 223; a third was    included in Elegance and Radiance, op. cit., cat.
                                                                                                           no. 16, together with a yellow example, cat. no. 15.


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