Page 406 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 406


PROPERTY OF A LADY                                    This rare design of a band of phoenix below a
                                                      band of dragons is unique to the Kangxi period
A RARE YELLOW-GROUND GREEN-                           and was only produced in this green and yellow
ENAMELLED ‘DRAGON AND                                 palette, which was first introduced during the
PHOENIX’ BOWL                                         Zhengde reign (1506-1521). Bowls of this type
MARK AND PERIOD OF KANGXI                             and decorated with this design are rare and only
                                                      a limited number of examples is known; a closely
well potted with deep rounded sides rising from       related example in the Tsui Museum of Art is
a tapered foot to a gently flaring rim, the exterior  illustrated in Chinese Ceramics IV. Qing Dynasty,
delicately incised and painted in green enamel        Hong Kong, 1995, pl. 111; another from the
on a bright egg-yolk yellow ground, depicting a       collection of Mrs M. Constantinidi, published in
band of two five-clawed dragons striding amongst      Soame Jenyns, Later Chinese Porcelain, London,
flames in pursuit of flaming pearls, above five       1951, pl. LXIX, no. 2, was sold in our London
phoenix roundels divided by stylised cloud            rooms, 8th July 1947, lot 22; and two were sold at
scrolls, the interior painted in underglaze blue      Christie’s Hong Kong, the first from the collection
with a central medallion enclosing a stylised shou    of Christina Loke Balsara, 19th January 1988,
character encircled by scrolling clouds, all within   lot 284, and the second, 5th/6th November
double-line borders repeated at the rim, the base     1997, lot 972. As yellow-glazed wares with green
inscribed with a six-character reign mark within a    dragons are mentioned in palace regulations as
double circle                                         having been reserved for fourth-rank fei consorts,
15 cm, 5⅞ in.                                         this rare variation of the phoenix and dragon
                                                      motif may have been produced for a special
PROVENANCE                                            occasion, such as a birthday, as suggested by the
Robert Peters Antiques Ltd, London, 1998.             auspicious character on the interior.
A European collection.
Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st June 2011, lot 3510.        Phoenix depicted with their wings outstretched
                                                      and their long feathers forming a roundel
HK$ 1,400,000-1,800,000                               became a popular motif during the Kangxi period,
US$ 179,000-231,000                                   appearing on porcelain bowls painted in copper
                                                      red and in underglaze blue. See for example
清康熙 黃地綠彩龍鳳紋盌                                          a Kangxi mark and period bowl painted with
          《大清康熙年製》款                                   phoenix roundels in copper red, in the National
                                                      Palace Museum, Taipei, included in Catalogue
來源:                                                   of the Special Exhibition of K’ang-Hsi, Yung-
Robert Peters Antiques Ltd,倫敦,1998年                   Cheng and Ch’ien-Lung Porcelain Ware from the
歐洲收藏                                                  Ch’ing Dynasty in the National Palace Museum,
香港佳士得2011年6月1日,編號3510                                 Taipei, 1986, cat. no. 7; another from the T.Y.
                                                      Chao collection, sold in these rooms, 25th
                                                      November 1980, lot 113; and an underglaze-blue
                                                      example included in Exhibition of Ancient Chinese
                                                      Ceramics, The Kau Chi Society of Chinese Art,
                                                      Hong Kong, 1981, cat. no. 111.


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