Page 424 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 424


PROPERTY FROM A HONG KONG PRIVATE                     清十八世紀 白玉雕雙臥馬
FAMILY COLLECTION                                                       《乾隆年製》款

A WHITE JADE CARVING OF TWO                           來源:
HORSES                                                香港佳士得1996年4月28日,編號9

the substantial stone deftly fashioned in the
round, depicting two cuddling horses, one with
its head turned backwards staring at another
lying adjacent to it, each detailed with gentle eyes
of almond shape and well-groomed mane, their
bodies elegantly curved with the muscular legs
tucked underneath their bodies and tails curled
alongside their hind haunches, the stone of an
opaque milky-white tone with traces of reddish
russet veining, inscribed to the underside with a
four-character Qianlong seal mark
16 cm, 6¼ in.

Christie’s Hong Kong, 28th April 1996, lot 9.

HK$ 800,000-1,200,000
US$ 103,000-154,000

Skilfully fashioned in the round, this carving of     102, together with a pair of larger pale celadon
two jade horses is notable for the portrait-quality   examples, cat. no. 101; another in the British
in which they have been sensitively rendered.         Museum, London, illustrated in Jessica Rawson,
Their gentle smiling features and full rounded        Chinese Jade. From the Neolithic to the Qing,
body have been endowed with individuality             London, 1995, pl. 16:20; and a third from the H.
through the jade stone from which it has been         Tutein Nolthenius collection, was included in
fashioned. For another rare carving of two horses,    the exhibition Oosterse Schatten – 4000 Jaar
see the example from the collection of Lolo           Aziatische Kunst, The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam,
Sarnoff, sold in our New York rooms, 17th/18th        1954, cat. no. 84. See also a much larger example
March 2017, lot 324.                                  in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, illustrated
                                                      in James C.S. Lin, The Immortal Stone. Chinese
For jade carvings of individual horses, see a         Jades from the Neolithic Period to the Twentieth
larger horse from the collection of Sir John Woolf,   Century, London, 2009, pl. 39.
included in the exhibition The Woolf Collection of
Chinese Jade, Sotheby’s, London, 2013, cat. no.

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