Page 43 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 43

fig. 1
                                                     Blue-ground ‘yangcai’ sgraffiato ‘floral’
                                                     guanyin vase, seal mark and period of
                                                     Qianlong (1743)
                                                     © Collection of the National Palace Museum,

This exquisite bowl, finely painted in yangcai       sixth year of Qianlong, following the Emperor’s     assortment of shapes and designs evolved
enamels with an ornate composition of floral         complaint that the porcelains made in the first     with the flourishing porcelain production and
blooms and feathery leaves, belongs to a select      six years of his reign were of significantly lower  stylistic trends of the time. A slightly larger
group of porcelain produced for the Qianlong         quality than those from the previous Yongzheng      bowl and cover of this form, depicting a pavilion
Emperor in the early years of his reign, and         period. As a result, sixty-nine pieces of yangcai   in a landscape on one side and inscribed with
embodies two of his passions: his love of tea and    porcelain are recorded as having been presented     an imperial poem entitled ‘While the tea is
his taste for the sumptuous. Under the creative      to the Qianlong Emperor in the eighth month of      brewing, and it is raining outside, I dream of
genius of Tang Ying (1682-1756), superintendent      the seventh year of his reign (corresponding to     going on a boat trip’, on the other, the panels
of the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen, unique pieces   1741).                                              bordered by similarly decorated floral borders
were composed according to the aesthetic                                                                 on a ruby-red sgraffiato ground, was sold in
direction of the emperor. New forms, colours         This bowl is further embellished with incised       these rooms, 6th December 1994, lot 211, and
and techniques were continuously explored while      curling fronds in the sgraffiato technique.         included in the exhibition Imperial Perfection. The
drawing inspiration from various mediums, as         Commonly known as jinshangtianhua (‘adding          Palace Porcelain of Three Chinese Emperors. A
evident in this bowl and cover.                      decorative pattern onto brocades’), the             Selection from the Wang Xing Lou Collection, The
                                                     development of this laborious needle-point          Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, 2004,
A sense of the exotic is captured through the        etching technique is also attributed to Tang        cat. no. 56; and its pair was sold at Christie’s
feathery scrolls of the floral blooms that extend    Ying. Such rich decoration, coupled with the        Paris, 14th December 2016, lot 72.
around the vibrant blue ground in yangcai            harmonious spacing of the floral scroll, is
enamels. These yangcai decorated pieces are          reminiscent of French rococo textiles, specimens    The Qianlong Emperor’s satisfaction with the
characterised by their successful synthesis of       of which would have entered the court through       form of this tea bowl is evident as it is found
traditional Chinese elements with newly acquired     Jesuit missionaries and merchants in Guangdong      decorated in a variety of styles and media. For
Western techniques. Thus they required the           and catered perfectly to the Qianlong Emperor’s     example, see a simulation lacquer bowl and cover,
highest level of skill and execution and it is not   predilection for the opulent. A vase similarly      in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, included
surprising that they are exceedingly rare. As the    decorated to the present bowl, in the National      in the Museum’s exhibition Empty Vessels,
term yangcai (‘Western colours’) suggests, the       Palace Museum, Taipei, is included in the           Replenished Minds: The Culture, Practice, and Art
palette is inspired by European paintings, which     Museum’s exhibition, ibid., cat. no. 41 (fig. 1).   of Tea, Taipei, 2002, cat. no. 139, together with
relied heavily on the use of white pigment. The                                                          a gold bowl with cloisonné enamel flower scrolls,
craftsman of the present piece has employed          The form of this piece, with its cover that sits    cat. no. 159. Compare also a Qianlong mark and
predominantly foreign hues of pastel greens and      inside the rim of the bowl, appears to have been    period sgraffiato decorated white-ground bowl
pinks and placed them against a vivid blue ground    favoured in the early eighteenth century. It        enamelled with dragons and phoenix in iron
previously unseen on Qing porcelain. Yangcai         allowed the tea leaves to be caught against the     red, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, published in
ware was greatly appreciated by the Qianlong         edge of the cover when the tea was sipped with      Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong. Qing Porcelain from
Emperor and it was housed primarily in his largest   the cover carefully held in place using the ring    the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1995,
private quarters, the Qianqinggong (Palace of        knop. The Qianlong Emperor was a fervent tea        p. 332; another, from the Metropolitan Museum
Heavenly Purity), located in the Inner Court of the  enthusiast, composing more than 200 poems           of Art, New York, sold at Christie’s New York, 15th
Forbidden City, and in the European-style palaces    expressing his appreciation of tea culture as       September 2016, lot 967; a pink-ground version
of the Yuanmingyuan. Liao Pao Show, in ‘On           well as the process of making tea leaves and        decorated in puce enamel, sold twice in our New
Yang-ts’ai Porcelains of the Ch’ien-lung Reign’,     preparing tea. During the Qing, many of the tea     York rooms, 23rd/24th April 1975, lot 342, and
Stunning Decorative Porcelains from the Ch’ien-      traditions that were established by the Hongwu      again, 16th September 2008, lot 125, from the
lung Reign, National Palace Museum, Taipei,          Emperor (1368-1398) of the Ming dynasty were        collection of Frieda and Milton Rosenthal; and a
2008, p. 36, notes that the production of yangcai    continued, such as the use of tea leaves rather     mille-fleurs enamelled version, from the C. Philip
porcelain was perfected under Tang after the         than tea cakes or ground tea. While many of the     Cardeiro collection, sold at Christie’s London,
                                                     utensils did not change as a result, a greater      13th May 2014, lot 92.

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