Page 48 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 48


This magnificent vase belongs to a group of vessels                  While in its colour scheme the present vase imitates cloisonné
commissioned by the Qianlong Emperor which was created               metalwork, stylistically it stands in the plain tradition of yangcai
to imitate cloisonné enamel. The Qianlong Emperor was                porcelain with its dense overall floral designs on a coloured
particularly fond of cloisonné work which he revived on a            ground. The term ‘yangcai’, used by the Emperor himself,
grand scale after a period of disregard under the Yongzheng          acknowledges the exchanges between China and the West,
Emperor. He had it imitated not only in porcelain, like on the       seen here in particular in the bajixiang that are interspersed
present piece, but even in copper, where the wires separating        among Western-style floral compositions. Furthermore, the
the cloisons of different enamels were mirrored by finely            design is rendered in tones created through the use of white
painted golden lines. Although the idea of imitating other           enamel which was first introduced to the Qing court by Jesuit
materials through porcelain had existed well-before the              artists and, after repeated experiments, were successfully
eighteenth century, the craftsmen of the Qianlong period             copied by imperial craftsmen. Particularly unusual is the
advanced the technique to a completely different level of            asymmetrical irregular pattern whose admirable organisation
perfection, sometimes creating pieces that were difficult to         nevertheless conveys the impression of a formally organised
distinguish from the actual medium they were simulating.             design. It is composed of flower sprays, which are loosely
The painter of the present piece has successfully imitated           strewn all over the body, but so evenly spaced over the surface
the effect of gilt wires by outlining the famille-rose enamelled     that any clusters or gaps are avoided. The thin golden outlines
pattern in gilt, the linearity of which creates a pleasing contrast  confining the vibrant enamels are a brilliant means to make the
with the sculptural ruyi handles.                                    colours stand out against the turquoise ground.

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