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2950 Continued

         The combination of underglaze-blue and copper-red on porcelain is one   此玉壺春瓶體型碩大,氣勢恢宏,並較北京故宮現所發表之清宮舊藏最
         of the most difficult techniques accomplished by potters at the imperial   大尺寸之雍正青花釉裏紅桃福紋玉壺春 44 公分略高,且均為無款官窯,
         kilns in Jingdezhen. The firing of the highly-temperamental copper-red   參見《青花釉裏紅》下,上海,2000 年,頁 212,圖 193(圖一)。拍
         posed a significant challenge to potters, making the present vase with
         its well-controlled vivid copper-red and vibrant tone of underglaze blue   品通體以青花畫海水雲紋,釉裏紅畫雙龍戲珠紋,發色鮮豔。因釉裏紅
         a very rare and successful example of the High Qing imperial kilns.   和青花料窯內發色溫度佳點不同,故如拍品般顏色皆鮮豔者極為難燒,
         The present vase is further distinguished by its large size, which would
         have made it even more difficult to fire successfully. No other Qianlong-  雍正皇帝極為喜愛紅色龍紋玉壺春瓶,不但將一件「口有缺處」的大玉
         marked underglaze-blue and copper-red yuhuchunping of this size
         and design appears to have been published. Similar Qianlong-marked   壺春瓶修好,還以此瓶為樣本燒造龍紋小玉壺春瓶,並對畫樣提出了自
         examples decorated with dragons are found in the form of bottle vases   己的修改意見。如據清宮《造辦處活計清檔》「琺瑯作」記載,雍正十
         and tianqiuping, such as the ones in the Palace Museum, Beijing, see   年「七月二十四日,據圓明園來帖內稱本日司庫常保、首領薩木哈持出
         The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Blue and   白地紅龍玉壺春瓶一件,口上有缺處,隨黑漆座;白磁玉壺春瓶一件,
         White Porcelain with Underglazed Red (III), Shanghai, 2000, no. 209
         (bottle vase, 45 cm.), no. 210 (tianqiuping, 47 cm.), no. 211 (tianqiuping,   隨黑漆座。傳旨:此白地紅龍玉壺春瓶上紅龍畫得甚好,但龍尾不甚爽
         55 cm.).                                          利。上下花紋亦好,畫得略渾些。可將此小玉壺春瓶照大小瓶上龍形畫
         Compare also to a group of unmarked underglaze-blue and copper-
         red yuhuchunping dated to the Yongzheng period in the Qing court   清楚,照(燒)琺瑯。再口上缺處著補好。欽此。」「於七月二十七日,
         collection, including one (44 cm.) decorated with peaches and bats   將原白地紅龍大玉壺春瓶一件,口上缺處收拾妥,司庫常保、首領薩木
         (fig. 1), a smaller one (31.5 cm.) with peaches, and one with a lotus   哈持進交太監滄州收,訖。」「於八月初六日,(據)圓明園來貼內稱
         scroll (30 cm.), see ibid., pp. 212-214, nos. 193-195.   本日司庫常保、首領薩木哈來說太監滄州交白磁小玉壺春瓶二件。傳旨:

                                          fig. 1  Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                  圖一  北京故宮博物院藏品

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