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2951 Continued

         The present deng was a ritual vessel made by imperial command for   登原為中國古代貴族宴享時盛放太羹 ( 又稱大羹,即素味肉湯 ) 的器皿。
         the main hall of the Temple of Imperial Ancestors. The vessel deng   後發展為祭祀用禮器,並出現瓷質登。《禮記•祭統》注:「登,豆下
         was used in antiquity as a food vessel for meat soup during banquets   跗也。」《爾雅•釋器》:「木豆謂之豆,竹豆謂之籩,瓦豆謂之登」。
         among nobles, and had since been adopted as a ritual vessel. It is
         different from the vessel dou in that it has a spherical finial on the cover   北宋聶崇義《三禮圖》曰:「以其盛湆,故有蓋。」所以登外形與豆相似,
         as opposed to a rope-twist handle.                而蓋鈕則不同。豆為絢鈕 ( 即繩鈕 ),登為圓鈕。
         In Qianlong 13th year (1748), regulations on ceramic ritual vessels   清代瓷質祭器根據不同顏色區別其在祭祀中的不同功用和使用場合。據
         made for state temples were promulgated. According to the regulation,   《皇朝禮器圖式》記載,乾隆十三年 (1748 年 ) 欽定瓷登祭器,其中仿
         deng made for the main hall of the Temple of Imperial Ancestors had a
         yellow ground with elaborate design of dragons and waves. A coloured   古青銅器紋瓷登以黃、藍、紅、月白、白五色用於地壇、天壇、日壇、
         illustration showing such deng was included in Huangchao liqi tushi (The   月壇、先農壇及太歲壇等處的祭祀活動。而本拍品則據《皇朝禮器圖式》
         Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Imperial   彩繪本「太廟正殿登圖」( 圖一 ),為清代皇帝祭祀祖先之用,故用檸
         Dynasty)(fig. 1), which is nearly identical to the present example. An   黃地九龍紋以示皇帝身份。據《清檔》「如意館」資料記載,清宮乾隆
         imperial edict issued in the 13th year of the Qianlong reign indicates   朝壇廟瓷質祭器皆為唐英奉旨始燒:乾隆十三年「於五月初二日,司庫
         that the porcelain ritual vessels were made at the Imperial kilns at
         Jingdezhen under the supervision of Tang Ying.    白世秀將壇廟祭器紙樣十五分……各隨細目摺片交太監胡世傑、張玉呈
         A very similar Qianlong-marked famille rose yellow-ground deng was
         included in the Chinese University of Hong Kong exhibition Ch’ing   用二件……俱趕祭祝各壇廟日期以前送到。自冬至祭天壇日為初次,其
         Porcelain from the Wah Kwong Collection, 1973, no. 47. Compare also   餘按次送至,不得有誤。」
         with two famille rose yellow-ground deng dated to the 18th-19th century
         in the Huaihai Tang Collection, include in the Chinese University   登上部呈礅式盌形,下接圓柱形足,足下有覆缽形底。通體內、外施檸
         of Hong Kong exhibition For Blessings and Guidance: the Qianlong   檬黃釉。上附傘形蓋,蓋頂置圓珠鈕。蓋口和登口部均繪藍料彩回紋,
         Emperor’s Design for State Sacrificial Vessels, 2019, see Catalogue,    蓋繪龍紋,以為天。登腹部、足部繪四層海水龍紋以為地。整體紋飾設
         p. 187 (fig. 2).                                  計嚴謹,作工精細,色彩斑斕。蓋內頂和登外底均摹印「大清乾隆年製」
                                                           見。 比較華光草堂藏一件乾隆款登,載於《華光草堂珍藏清代瓷器》,
                                                           1973 年,圖版 47 號;以及懷海堂藏一對十八至十九世紀的粉彩登,曾
                                                           於 2019 年香港中文大學文物舘舉辦《皇朝禮器》展覽中展出,見展覽
                                                           圖錄,圖版 187 號(圖二)。

              fig. 1  Coloured illustration of deng made for the main hall   fig. 2  A pair of famille rose yellow-ground deng, Qing dynasty,
             of the Temple of Imperial Ancestors, included in Huangchao   18th-19th century. Courtesy of the Huaihai Tang Collection
                liqi tushi (The Illustrated Regulations for Ceremonial   圖二  清十八 / 十九世紀   檸黃地粉彩登一對   懷海堂藏品
                    Paraphernalia of the Imperial Dynasty)
                  圖一  《皇朝禮器圖式》彩繪本「太廟正殿登圖」
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