Page 144 - Christie's IMPORTANT CHINESE Ceramics and Works of Art may 28 2021 hk
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AN EXCEPTIONAL AND RARE RED AND Porcelains, Shanghai, 2009, pp. 58-9 no. 50; another in the British
YELLOW ENAMELLED ‘DRAGON’ JAR Museum, London, illustrated by Jessica Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics
in the British Museum, London, 2001, no. 9: 90; two jars included in the
JIAJING SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE AND OF THE International Exhibition of Chinese Art, Royal Academy of Arts, London,
PERIOD (1522-1566) 1935-6, with the neck cut-down, which has a cut-down neck from the
collection of Dr. E. Hultmark, Stockholm, Sweden, no. 1949, and one
The jar is decorated with a pair of five-clawed dragons striding from the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany, no.
amidst lingzhi sprays above a band of waves crashing against rocks 1952; one from the Eugene Fuller Memorial Collection in the Seattle
and below a register of eight ruyi-shaped clouds, all brightly Art Museum, included in the exhibition Dragons in Chinese Art, China
enamelled in iron red on a yellow ground with the outlines and Institute in America, New York, 1972, no. 42; one with cut-down neck in
details picked out in black. the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, the
World’s Great Collections, Tokyo, New York, and San Francisco, 1980–
5¿ in. (13.5 cm.) high, double Japanese wood boxes with 82, vol. 10, no. 234; and one sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7 October
Mayuyama ribbons 2015, lot 3659.
HK$1,500,000-2,000,000 US$200,000-260,000
明嘉靖 紅黃彩雲龍紋罐 六字楷書款
Mayuyama & Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 1990s 來源
A Japanese private collection in Yamagata, acquired in 1990s 繭山龍泉堂,東京,1990 年代
The red and yellow combination is a distinctive colour scheme of the 日本山形縣私人珍藏,入藏於 1990 年代
Jiajing period. The result required three firings: first at around 1300 °C 圓口,短頸,豐肩下歛,圈足。外壁黃釉作地,黑彩勾繪輪廓。肩飾如
for clear-glazed porcelain, then at a lower temperature for the yellow
overglaze enamel, and finally at a still lower temperature for the black 意雲紋,腹飾遊龍靈芝紋,近足處繪江崖海水紋,紋飾空處填紅釉為地。
outlines and the iron-red background. The process was laborious and 內部、圈足內施透明釉,外底青花書「大明嘉靖年製」楷書款。本罐附
required meticulous attention to details, contributing to the high failure 有日本雙層木盒,綁帶為東京繭山龍泉堂之獨有。
rate and thus the rarity of these jars.
紅地黃彩器為嘉靖朝之特有品種,需先以 1300 攝氏溫度燒好白瓷,再
Jars with the same design and comparable size, ranging from 12.7
cm. to 15.2 cm. high, are found in museums and private collections 於外壁釉上施以黃彩以較低的溫度入窯複燒,再以黑彩點睛、描繪輪廓,
worldwide, see, for example, the companion piece to the current jar 並以礬紅彩塗地,然後第三次入窯燒造。因過程繁複,難度極高,故傳
in the Museum Yamato Bunkakan, Nara, illustrated in Mayuyama: 世品數量稀罕。
Seventy Years, no. 834; one in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford,
included in the Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition, Iron in the Fire, 相同紋飾且尺寸接近者可見於全球各大博物館及拍賣市場,高度皆介
1988, and illustrated in the Catalogue, no. 64; another in the Le Cong 於 12.7 至 15.2 公分之間,參考一例藏於奈良大和文華館,與本罐原為
Tang Collection, formerly in The Manno Art Museum, illustrated in 一對,載於《龍泉集芳》,東京,1976 年,第 1 冊,圖版 834 號;一件
Selected Masterpieces of the Manno Collection, Japan, 1988, no. 117;
a covered jar in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated by D. 藏牛津阿什莫林博物館,見 1988 年東方陶瓷學會展覽圖錄《Iron in the
Lion-Goldschmidt, Ming Porcelain, Fribourg, 1978, no. 144; one from Fire》,圖版 64 號;一為萬野美術館舊藏,現為樂從堂藏品,見《萬野
the Avery Brundage Collection now in the Asian Art Museum, San コレクション撰集》,日本,1988 年,圖版 117 號;一件帶蓋,藏於
Francisco, illustrated by He Li, Chinese Ceramics: A New Comprehensive 國立故宮博物院,載於 D. Lion-Goldschmidt 著《Ming Porcelain》,佛
Study, New York, 1996, p. 239, no. 483; one from the British Rail Road 立堡,1978 年,圖版 144 號;Avery Brundage 舊藏一例,現藏舊金山亞
Pension Fund, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 16 May 1989, no. 28; and
one from the Meiyintang Collection, sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7 洲藝術博物館,見 He Li 著《Chinese Ceramics: A New Comprehensive
April 2011, lot 66. Study》,紐約,1996 年,頁 239,圖版 483 號;英國鐵路基金會舊藏一例,
後於 1989 年 5 月 16 日於香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品 28 號;玫茵堂舊藏一例,
Compare also to two similar jars of smaller size with a more globular
proportion, one is illustrated in Mayuyama: Seventy Years, no. 833, 後於 2011 年 4 月 7 日香港蘇富比拍賣,拍品 66 號。
which has a serrated design on the neck, and another in the National
Museum of China, illustrated in Zhongguo Guojia Bowuguan guancang 另可比較兩件尺寸較小各約 11 公分高的例子,紋飾近乎相同但器身更
wenwu yanjiu congshu: ciqi juan (Mingdai), Shanghai, 2007, p. 159, no. 為圓鼓,一例載於《龍泉集芳》,圖版834 號;另一藏於北京國家博物館,
85, together with a larger example (13.5 cm.) of the same colour scheme 著錄於《中國國家博物館館藏文物研究叢書 – 瓷器卷 ( 明代 )》,上海,
but with lotus scrolls and emblems, no. 86. 2007 年,頁 159,圖版 85 號,同書另刊一件 (13.5 公分 ) 相同品種但繪
A third size group exceeding 20 cm. in height exists. A greater number 以纏枝蓮紋的例子,圖版 86 號。
of examples from this group are known compared to the other two size
groups, all of which have a classic scroll above the shoulders and a 還有一組高度逾 20 公分的近似例可資比較,此組數量較多,紋飾亦較
band of ruyi-heads above the foot, such as a jar in the Palace Museum, 為不同,如肩上為一圈卷草紋,足上為一圈如意雲頭,見北京故宮博物
Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the 院藏一例,載於故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系《雜釉彩.素三彩》,上海,
Palace Museum, Miscellaneous Enamelled Porcelains. Plain Tricoloured 2000 年,圖版 50 號;大英博物館一例,見 Jessica Harrison-Hall 著《Ming
Ceramics in the British Museum》,倫敦,2001 年,圖版 9:90;兩件載於
1949 年倫敦皇家藝術學院展覽舉辦國際中國藝術展覽圖錄,一為瑞典 E.
Hultmark 醫生舊藏,截口,圖版 1949 號,另一藏德國漢堡工藝美術館,
圖版 1952 號;一藏西雅圖藝術博物館,見華美協進會展覽《Dragons in
Chinese Art》圖錄,紐約,1972 年,圖版 42 號;一藏波士頓美術館,
見《Oriental Ceramics, the World’s Great Collections》,1980-2 年,第 10
冊,圖版 234 號;以及香港蘇富比,2015 年 10 月 7 日,拍品 3659 號。