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WHITE 'SANDUO' BOWL 雙圈「大清雍正年製」、「覺生常住」楷書款
WITHIN A DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1723-1735) 年製」款,款識四角各書一字,從右上角順時針方向唸是「覺生長住」,
The bowl is finely painted around the sides in vibrant tones 由此可推斷此盌之確實年份和擬用地點。「覺生」指覺生寺,雍正十一
of colbalt-blue with simulated 'heaping and piling' to depict 年(1733)下旨敕建,兩年後(1735)落成,位於北京市昔日西直門外
sprays of pomegranate, peach and lychee above a band of lappets 遠離塵市的曾家莊(今海淀區),山門上方有御筆手書《敕建覺生寺》
surrounding the ring foot. The interior medallion with a further 匾額,邊框刻九條龍從海水升起,穿插雲間。
fruit spray bordered by a double circle. 雍正帝虔信佛教,自小躬行禪修,參悟禪理覺性,或持續數天。他深通
6¡ in. (16.3 cm.) diam., box
HK$1,000,000-1,600,000 US$130,000-210,000 細闡釋,部分內容擷錄於覺生寺內的《敕建覺生寺碑記》:「以無覺之覺,
This rare and historically significant imperial bowl bears an interesting 乾隆帝亦親書一文,刻在此碑另一面。值得提到的是,敕建覺生寺同年,
four-character inscription, arranged with one character at each of the
four corners of the normal six-character Yongzheng mark on its base. 《清通鑑》記載雍正帝主持大法會,聚集高僧活佛研究佛理,並親自講
The four characters read: Jue sheng chang zhu, and these provide a clue 經說法。雍正在位末年,曾多次主持大法會,邀請精研佛理的學者編纂
both to the precise date of the bowl within the Yongzheng reign, and 和刊刻佛典,還自撰《御選語錄》,親自校訂並為每一卷寫序。
the location for which the bowl was intended. Literally jue sheng may be
translated as 'awakening' or 'consciousness', while chang zhu can either 宜興紫砂器中有刻「覺生寺」款的缽,雍正十一年正月所製,而敕建覺
refer to a Buddhist priest who does not leave his monastery, or simply 生寺和開大法會也是這一年。據載,雍正帝於正月二十一日下旨,著人
mean 'to stay in one place for a long time'. In this case the reference is to 按照宜興器及其他瓷器樣式,交與燒造瓷器處仿製(《 故宮博物院藏文
the Juesheng Temple (the Temple of Awakening), the building of which
was commissioned by the Yongzheng emperor in the 11th year of his 物珍品大系 × 紫砂器》,上海科學技術出版社,2008 年,no. 146)。
reign (AD 1733). The temple was completed in 1735, and a stone tablet 上述的紫砂缽和本拍品所屬的一批青花盌,很可能正是當時雍正帝下旨
above the main gate to the temple, edged with dragons rising from water 所製。覺生寺內現時陳列著一塊青花盌瓷片,該盌跟本拍品非常相似,
and flying through clouds, is inscribed by the Yongzheng emperor 'The 增加了推斷的可能性。
Juesheng Temple Built by Imperial Order'. The temple was located in
what was then Zengjiazhuang village - a place of rural tranquillity just 佔地三萬多平方米的覺生寺,後來又俗稱大鐘寺。據《清宮內務府造辦
outside the Xizhi Gate of the city wall surrounding Beijing. 處檔案》雍正十一年四月記錄,莊親王與其他朝臣上奏建議將永樂年間
The Juesheng temple was an important temple during the Qing dynasty (1403-24)所鑄的著名青銅大鐘由西郊萬壽寺移至覺生寺。雍正帝批
where, from the time of the Qianlong emperor onwards, the emperor 准所請,但由於工程浩大,費了八年功夫,至乾隆八年(1743)才完成
himself and other members of the imperial family and the court came 搬運。此鐘以青銅鑄造,高近 7 米,直徑 3 米多,重達 46.5 噸,內外壁
to pray for rain in ceremonies that could last several days. In 1783 an
imperial order was sent to have nine Buddhist monks chant the 'Great 共刻有梵漢經文咒語約 23 萬字。據稱鐘聲達 120 分貝,二十五哩外也
cloud requesting rain sutra' for seven continuous days (Evelyn S. Rawski, 可聞。昔日每逢農曆新年除夕,必按佛教傳統鳴鐘一百零八響。
The Last Emperors - A Social History of Qing Imperial Institutions,
Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, 1998, p. 225), while in 1787 the temple 覺生寺是清代的重要寺廟,自乾隆朝開始,歷朝清帝均率領皇室及朝
was officially designated as a site at which to pray for rain. 臣以大鐘祈雨,儀式有長達數天。1783 年,乾隆帝下旨延請九名僧人
連續七日念誦《大雲輪請雨經》(Evelyn S. Rawski, The Last Emperors -
This beautiful bowl, therefore, represents an important imperial project
close to the heart of the Yongzheng emperor, which was to become part A Social History of Qing Imperial Institutions, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London,
of court life and worship during a major part of the Qing dynasty. 1998, p. 225)。1787 年,下旨正式將覺生寺列為祈雨場所。
Compare to a similarly inscribed bowl but decorated with a band of 覺生寺是雍正帝誠心所建,是清廷一項重要建設,關連著乾隆朝以來歷
scrolling lotus flowers, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 November 2011, 代宮廷生活和祭祀儀式。這只精美的青花盌,正代表著其中的歷史意義。
lot 2953.