Page 60 - Christie's IMPORTANT CHINESE Ceramics and Works of Art may 28 2021 hk
P. 60

         龍行皇天 - 藝德堂珍藏御製陶瓷

         A VERY RARE LARGE IRON-RED                        明成化   青花礬紅彩海水雲龍紋盌
         DECORATED BLUE AND WHITE ‘DRAGON’                 來源
         BOWL                                              美國賓州 Regal 舊藏,建立於十九世紀晚期
         CHENGHUA PERIOD (1465-1487)                       香港蘇富比,2008 年 10 月 8 日,拍品 2551 號
         The bowl is decorated with four iron-red five-clawed dragons
         striding above underglaze-blue waves and interspersed with ruyi   此盌胎質細膩,釉面潔白瑩潤,繪畫精細,符合成化窯典型特點。青花
         clouds below a diaper-pattern band at the mouth rim. The interior   礬紅彩技法,以鈷料完成局部紋飾,將特定部分留白,經高溫燒成後再
         is decorated with a double-circle medallion containing a single   於留白處填繪紅彩紋飾,二次入窯低溫烘烤。工藝複雜,故傳世品甚少。
         iron-red dragon surrounded by blue clouds.        清宮舊藏中有近乎相同的例子,見故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集《青花釉
         8Õ/”ÿ in. (22.7 cm.) diam., box                   裏紅(中)》,香港,2000 年,圖版 222 號(圖一),院方亦將該例定
         The Regal Collection, formed from the late 19th century over two   博物院藏品,《成化瓷器特展圖錄》,台北,2003 年,圖版 1-6 號。
         generations in Pennsylvannia, USA
         Sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 October 2008, lot 2551
         HK$1,500,000-2,600,000        US$200,000-340,000
         The present bowl is a very rare example combining the use of
         underglaze blue and iron red from the Chenghua period. A nearly
         identical bowl (21.6 cm. diam.) dated to the Chenghua period is in the
         Palace Museum, Beijing, see The Complete Collection of Treasures of
         the Palace Museum, Blue and White Porcelain with Underglaze Red (II),
         Hong Kong, 2000, p, 246, no. 222 (fig. 1). Another related bowl (21.4
         cm. diam.) without the iron-red decoration is in the National Palace
         Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of
         Ch’eng-hua Porcelain Ware, Taipei, 2003, p. 120, no. 106. Compare also
         with a smaller bowl of this pattern with a flared rim and a darker tone
         of iron-red and blue excavated from Zhushan at Jingdezhen imperial
         kiln site, dated to the Zhengtong-Tianshun period (1436-1464), included
         in the exhibition catalogue Jingdezhen Porcelain Wares in Mid Fifteenth
         Century China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, 2019, p, 179, no. 10.

                                                                   fig. 1  Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                                          圖一  北京故宮博物院藏品

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