Page 38 - Art D'Asie June 22, 2017 Paris
P. 38
ANCIENNE COLLECTION PARTICULIÈRE PARISIENNE Vases of this particular shape, which is believed to have been
derived from a Tibetan kalasha vase, are rare and few examples
RARE VASE EN BRONZE DORÉ ET ÉMAUX are known in private and museum collections. The earliest
CLOISONNÉS recorded example of a cloisonné enamel vase of this form dated
DYNASTIE MING, FIN DU XVIE SIÈCLE to the 15th century and decorated around the body with large
lotus owers, is in the Uldry Collection, Geneva, illustrated in
de forme ovoide, le pourtour décoré de huit lions bouddhistes Helmut Brinker and Albert Lutz, Chinese Cloisonne. The Pierre
jouant avec des pelotes de laine, autour d’un vase archaïsant Uldry Collection, New York, 1989, col. pl. 9. Two other vases of
et de lotus stylisés, le tout sur un fond turquoise, les anses à this form but slightly smaller than the present example, one
décor de dragons sinueux en bronze doré la gueule béante, le similarly decorated around the body with small lion-dogs, the
col tronconique à décor de lotus stylisés décoré à la base d’une other with rows of scrolling lotus owers, both similarly applied
frise en relief de pétales et orné en son centre d’un anneau with gilt-bronze dragon handles, are in the collection of the
bombé à décor incisé de rinceaux feuillagés, l’extrêmité du National Palace Museum, Taipei, published in The Complete
col terminé par une protubérance circulaire décorée d’une Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Metal-bodied
frise de eurettes et le dessus en bronze doré incisé d’une Enamel Ware, Hong Kong, 2002, pls. 35 and 37. Unlike the
frise de lotus, le pied arrondi en bronze doré incisé d’une frise present vase, the second example has a gilt-metal base chased
feuillagée, le dessous gurant une large eur épanouie with a Jingtai mark and dated to the mid-Ming period. Finally, for
23 cm, 9 in. vase of the same form but decorated with painted enamels and
bearing a Yongzheng mark, see Enamel Ware in the Ming and
PROVENANCE Ch’ing Dynasties, Taipei, 1989, cat. no. 98.
Acquired by the grandfather of the current owner in France in The design of lion dogs playfully engaging with each other is
the early 1900s. also unusual and can be found on a few rare examples dated
Thence in the family by descent. to the mid-Ming Dynasty, among others on a rectangular tray,
a cuspidor-shaped jar and a tripod censer, illustrated ibid., pls.
A rare gilt-bronze and cloisonné enamel vase, Ming 21, 39 and 41.
Dynasty, late 16th century
30 000-50 000 €
255 000-424 000 HK$ 32 700-54 500 US$
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