Page 20 - Christies March 14 2017 Chinese Paintings
P. 20

VARIOUS OWNERS                                                     16       18
YANG WENCONG (ATTRIBUTED             17                                     ZHAO ZUO (CIRCA 1590-1630)
TO, 1594-1646 )                                                             Thatched Hut in Landscape
Landscape                            CHENG MING  (18TH CENTURY)
                                     Autumn Landscape                       Hanging scroll, ink on silk
Handscroll, ink and color on silk                                           47 º x 14 ¿ in. (120 x 35.8 cm.)
9 æ x 68 º in. (24.8 x 173.3 cm.)    Hanging scroll, ink and color on       Entitled, inscribed and signed, with
Inscribed and signed, with one seal  paper                                  two seals of the artist
of the artist                        26 Ω x 13 Ω in. (67.2 x 34.5 cm.)      Dated gengshen year (1620)
Dated bingzi year (1636)             Inscribed and signed, with one seal    Two collectors’ seals
Two collector’s seals                of the artist                          Titleslip inscribed and signed by
Colophon by Wang Yun (Qing           Further inscribed by the artist, with  Xiao Ping (born 1942), with one seal
dynasty), with one seal              one seal
                                     One collector’s seal                   $32,000-40,000
                                     $1,000-3,000                           明 趙左  梅花書屋  水墨
明 楊文驄 (傳) 山水                                                                絹本  立軸 一六二〇年作
設色絹本 手卷                              清 程鳴 山水 設色紙本 立軸                        題識:梅花書屋。庚申(1620
題識:丙子(1636年)秋九月偕                     題識:葉為詩者色,霜乃畫之                          年)春正寫於超果禪舍,趙左。
季岩茂倫諸子登支硎山宿僧舍,                       師。宋人方韶鄉句,為陔華姻丈                         鈐印:趙左之印、文度氏
為越叟法師作圖,楊文驄。                         寫意。松門程鳴。                               藏印:二印漫渙不清
鈐印:龍友                                鈐印:后山                                  蕭平(1942出生)題簽條:趙左
藏印:神、品                               又題:同門崔不雕孝亷有,丹楓                         梅花書屋畫真跡。蕭平簽。
王澐(清)題跋:阿龍北固持雙                       江冷人初去,黃葉聲多酒不辭                          鈐印:蕭平
矛,披圖赤壁思曹劉。酒醉灑墨                       句。新城師最爲鑑賞,目為崔黃
橫江樓,蒜山月落空悠悠。梅邨                       葉頗與此幀意合,因并及之,鳴
畫中九友,為龍友所作謌之一                        再識。
截,王澐。                                鈐印:松門
鈐印:王澐                                藏印:曾藏程樂盦處

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