Page 108 - Mounted Oriental Porcelain, The Getty Museum
P. 108
FIG. IQB FIG. 15)0. A complete, mounted blanc-de-chine teapot in the
British Museum. London, ©The British Museum.
by means of a bronze chain, is in a Dutch private collec- PROVENANCE
tion. Vessels of this form must have been known to the Kraemer et Cie, Paris, 19605; Henry Ford n, Grosse
potters at the Staffordshire factories in England. They Pointe Farms, Michigan; sold from the collection of
produced red stoneware teapots closely following this Henry Ford n at Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York,
model in the early eighteenth century, 5 and, by the February 2,5, 1978, lot 61; acquired by the J. Paul
middle of the century, Wheildon-type salt glaze white Getty Museum from Partridge Fine Arts, Ltd., Lon-
stoneware teapots were made from block molds. 6 don, in 1978.
The gilt-bronze mounts appear to be of unique
model. NOTES
1. Soame Jenyns, Later Chinese Porcelain: The Ch'ing
PUBLICATIONS Dynasty (1644-1912) (London, 1971), no. 2, pi. cxix.
Wilson 1979, p. 44, no. 9; Watson 1980, p. 35, 2. Lane 1949-50, pi. 8c.
Donnelly 1969, p.
no. n; Watson 1981, p. 30; Bremer-David et al. 1993, 4. Lunsingh Scheurleer 1980, p. 287, fig. 230.
p. 156, no. 263. 5. Jarry 1981, p. 91, pi. 86.
6. An example of both the teapot and the block mold from
which it was made can be seen at the Delhom Gallery and
EXHIBITIONS Institute, The Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, North
Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, The China Carolina (ace. no. 6548.DC.EPy.SGi2i and SGi5o).
Institute in America, New York, 1980, no. n.
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