Page 79 - Mounted Oriental Porcelain, The Getty Museum
P. 79

13  -  L I D D E D   B O W L

                                      THE PORCELAIN: Chinese (Kangxi), 1662-1722
                                    THE GILT-BRONZE MOUNTS:  French  (Paris), 1745-49
                    HEIGHT:  i ft.,  3*74 in. (40 cm);  WIDTH:  i ft.,  3 /! in. (39.3 cm);  DEPTH: n  in. (27.8 cm)

            DESCRIPTION                                      ers,  and  berries that  form  the  double-scrolled  handles
            The  potpourri  bowl  is  composed  of  two  thickly  (fig.  130)5 which  are joined at the upper  end to  the cen-
        potted  circular  bowls  of pale  celadon  glazed porcelain,  tral  pierced  band.  A gilt-bronze  finial  in  the  form  of a
        each carved  on  the  exterior  in  low  relief  with  scrolls of  spiraling spray of leaves and  flowers  forms  a handle  for
        flowering  tree  peony  branches.  One  bowl  is  inverted  the  upper  bowl  (fig. 130). This  is attached  by two  pins
        over  the  other  and  is  separated  by  a  wide  band  of gilt  which  pass  through  holes  drilled  in  the  porcelain;  it is
        bronze  pierced  with  concave  ovaloes,  overlaid  with  a  secured in the interior  by  flower-shaped nuts also of gilt
        bunch of flowers and  leaves at the center of the back  and  bronze  (fig. i3E).  Though  originally  of  identical  shape
        front  (fig. 13A).                                   and  size, the upper  bowl has been cut down  around  the
            The lower bowl is supported on a base of gilt bronze  rim  by about  an inch, removing a carved border  of dia-
        resting on eight C-scrolls joined in pairs  (fig.  136). From  mond  key-fret,  which  appears  inside the  upper  edge of
        each pair emerges a single flower with leaves and berries.  the  lower  bowl.  The  foot  ring  has  been  ground  off the
        At each side the  lower half of the bowl is clasped by gilt-  inverted bowl to accommodate the finial.
        bronze  straps  from  which  spring trails  of foliage,  flow-

            FIG. 13A

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