Page 84 - Mounted Oriental Porcelain, The Getty Museum
P. 84

FIG. i3H.  Watercolor  drawing
                                                                                        of a similarly mounted  lidded
                                                                                        bowl. New  York,  The  Metro-
                                                                                        politan Museum  of Art,  Gift
                                                                                        of  Raphael  Esmerian, 1961
                                                                                        [61.680. i  (8)].

            NOTES                                               crowned  C; Sotheby's,  London, June  25,  1982, lot 59;
         i.  Both four- and six-character reign marks of the Chenghua  Christie's, Monaco, December 5, 1992, no. 93;  Christie's,
            emperor  (r. 1465-87) are found  on ceramics of a later  London, December 10,  1992, lot 213. The last two pairs
            date. In these cases, however, no attempt  has been made  bore mounts struck with the crowned  C; Sotheby's, Lon-
            by the maker to copy the porcelain of the fifteenth  cen-  don, December 16, 1998, lot  156 (without crowned  C's).
            tury and no deception was intended.               5.  Christie's, London, June 30, 1905, lot.  105.
         2,.  See commentary for  catalogue no.  5.           6.  Livre-journal  de Lazare Duvaux  1873, p. 302, no.  2650,
         3.  De Bellaigue  1974, pp. 75^-53, no.  196.           and p. 314, no.  2769.
         4.  Christie's, London, November  2,6,  1970, lot  12, sold by  7.  Ace. no.  61.680.1(8); see M. Myers,  French architectural
            order  of the trustees of the  late A. C. J. Wall, gilt-bronze  and  ornament  drawings of  the eighteenth century (New
            mounts struck with the crowned  C; Drouot  Rive Droite,  York,  1991), pp. 195-200.
            Paris, December  10, 1980, no. 74, mounts with the

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