Page 89 - Mounted Oriental Porcelain, The Getty Museum
P. 89

I 5.   VASE

                                      THE PORCELAIN: Chinese  (Qianlong), circa  1740
                                     THE GILT-BRONZE MOUNTS:  French, circa  1745-50
                       HEIGHT:  i ft.,  zVz in. (36.8 cm);  WIDTH:  6 in.  (15.2 cm);  DEPTH: 41/2. in.  (11.5 cm)

             DESCRIPTION                                      A  double-leaf  motif  marks  the  junction  between  the
             The  pale  celadon  vase  has  a  flattened  hexagonal  front  and back scrolls. The foot mounts are joined at the
         baluster-shaped body on a tall flared foot. Hooked  han-  base on each side by a gilt-headed  screw.
         dles  of  porcelain  are  luted  to  either  side  of  the  short
        trumpet-shaped  neck.                                     MARKS
             A gilt-bronze mount  of scrolled and  foliated design  The  undersurface of  the  vase  is  marked  in  pencil
         surrounds the lip of the vase (fig.  15A); the scrolls emerge  "3" and  "4" in a modern  hand. This may well  indicate
         from  a cartouche  at  each  side. The  splayed foot  rests in  that  the  vase  was  originally  one  of  a  pair,  or  one  of a
         a high mount consisting of six foliate scrolls, from  which  larger  group.
         emerge sprays of flowers and  berries (figs.  156 and  150).

             FIG. i5A

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